i know how you feel Brad! i keep babies in modified candy jars because if i use anything bigger they wont feedand even my adults prefer the much larger plastic tubs i was horrified by how quickly went down after i put them in their new vivs so i had to do what i had to do! like i said on my other posts my mtbs and my htbs are in as natural as possible!
Yeah I knew a guy who kept in snake in a rubbermaid rack, and while short term use may be okay.....a few weeks in in my enclosures and they absolutely shined! It was an amazing turn around in all around color and activity....I think they can be used under the proper conditions....I just don't like them.
Excellent looking enclosure!!! Very nice.
What are the complete demensions?
Thank you very much! The total dimensions would equal out to a 8ftx2ftx2ft cage.
Sweet looking cage!! How long did it take you to do this one?
Thanks! Ohhhhh all together perhaps 16 hours? Give or take.....been getting quicker at it in my old age! LOL