I have a pair of corns, it was my last set of corns that i descided to keep after i sold of my collection. their a cool pair, ill ge tot the details in a second. The female was the first corn i ever bought, so my descision is i will not split the pair.
The pair them selves are interesting. the male is a frosted ghost het amel who has had extream orange in him in the past. he still has some, it is hereditary and is in his blood line.
The female is a candycane het ghost. The combination gives you
ghosts, amels anerys hypos snows and tripple homozygous animals in ever generation.
I am sellign them because i have descided to keep only a few pyhons as my permenent pet snakes.
this would be a great pair for any breeder or relly interested hobbyist.
300 firm for the pair.
please email me at
Victor@cornsnakes.ca or
nazerkal@hotmail.com for msn