Firstly, I would like to state that I know very little about fish. I am not in to fish keeping, and just simply can't get 'in to it' all. Some of it is cool, but the cool factor just doesn't last long or strong for me
But whatever, everyone has their thing. I still like to learn about them.
I was reading <a href=" mber=1">this thread</a> and it got me to thinking about feeding.
I know that for the most part, dry prepared foods for reptiles, dogs, cats, rats, hermit crabs, etc. are not as suitable as they are made out to be. They are either lacking in proper formulation, and/or contain harmful additives (preservatives, etc.). The very least, it lacks the fresh factor. I've actually never looked at fish food really, but I would assume this is the same?
On the subject of feeding live...
How high functioning are fish? I know it is widely accepted to feed live crickets, snails, etc. due to the fact that they are lower functioning animals. I see people recommending that animals be fed a commercial diet instead of live food. Is there not an inbetween that is more acceptable, such as prekilled or frozen foods? Or a combination of insects and prekilled or frozen foods?