For lighting, I prefer to use a double fluorescent fixture... and for fluorescent tubes, I use one grow-light, and one 6500K daylight fluorescent bulb. The 6500k bulb puts out a really nice, clean white light with a slight blue tinge to it. I have grown stuff like Phalenopsis orchids, and small bromeliads using this two-light system. I use this same type of lighting above ALL of my frog tanks as well. My plants grow like weeds.
As for the egg laying with live plants .... my cresteds are too young for breeding, but a couple of breeders I know actually have laying boxes in their tanks, as well as live plants. The geckos will always bury the eggs at the base of the plants, in and around the roots. It is funny, because you can look at the enclosure , and you will know if the females have been laying or not.
"If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now. It's just a spring clean for the May-queen."
-Led Zeppelin