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10-18-02, 08:13 PM
Join Date: Jul-2002
Location: Hiding from "The man" Texas
Age: 49
Posts: 177
Moving Mountains
Although it pains me greatly, I am coming to the realization that there is a very good chance I will loose all my snakes. At first I was very upset, then angry, then upset again. The reality is sinking in and all I can do is try and change this law. I want to thank each and every one of you for the support I have gotten here, and all the great advice. I couldn't even bring myself to read the forums for awhile because I was so envious that some get to enjoy the hobby I love while it was stripped from me. Well, I guess (temporarily at least) I can live vicariously through my friends here on the forums. Be thankful for your ability to keep your animals. You would miss them more than you know if they were taken away so suddenly and with such disregard for your feelings for them. I will be around, looking at your pics with a jealous eye, and enjoying the stories that kept me here in the first place. Take care everyone, and keep an eye on your local government, they can really put the screws to you,
Believe me
Sean McDonnell
"It's not what your snakes can do for you, It's what you can do for your snakes"
10-18-02, 08:29 PM
Join Date: Oct-2002
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 15
I'm new here so I have no idea what has happened. All I know is I'm scared to go to bed now.
I can't imagine what your going through and you have my sincerest condolences.
If it's not too much for you, would you either E-mail or post a little info on whats going on there?
Again, I am very sorry for your loss.
Scott Allen
10-18-02, 08:54 PM
Join Date: Jul-2002
Location: Ottawa/Lindsay ON
Age: 44
Posts: 278
I can not say that I know how you feel as I can not even imagine what it must be like to lose your pets. I hope that you do try to change your local bylaws and bring some good out of your misfortune.
Snakes are the animal that is most dreamed about by women.........I want to be reincarnated as a snake!
10-18-02, 09:35 PM
Join Date: Aug-2002
Location: Manitoba
Posts: 4,971
I'm very sorry to hear that Sean. I hope something can work in your favor.
See you around, buddy.
10-18-02, 09:42 PM
Join Date: Aug-2002
Location: Detroit Area
Posts: 610
Sean, talk to us here.
I'm not aware of what is going on. Perhaps collectivly as a group we might be able to help you and your fight to change the law in your area?
Snakes? I just like to teraform!
10-18-02, 10:19 PM
Join Date: Oct-2002
Location: New Jersey
Age: 60
Posts: 460
I'm with elaphescott and syst3m. I'm clueless whats going on. Let us know, maybe we can help. Is this U.S. or Canada?
10-18-02, 11:25 PM
Join Date: Jul-2002
Location: Hiding from "The man" Texas
Age: 49
Posts: 177
A short version
Here is a short version. This was taken from a letter I wrrote tomy local Newspaper:
On Sat. Oct. 12, 2002 I was in the shower when my fiancé informed me that there was an animal control officer outside, waiting to have a word with me. I got dressed and went outside to see what he could possibly want to talk to me about. He informed me that two months ago (which is strange due to the fact we had barely moved in two months ago, and no snakes were here yet) one of my neighbors had called to let them know I was keeping Pythons in my home. (Again, this is strange because I had not told anyone what kind of snakes I keep) Being the honest, law abiding citizen that I am, answered truthfully, and then invited him into my home to see that said animals are kept in padlocked cages of my design, built by myself. I assumed that once he saw the conditions these animals are kept in, he would apologize for taking up my time on a Sat. afternoon and we could move on to talking about how I might possibly be of service to Duncanville animal control if they ever came across a snake(s) like this, and needed assistance. To my shock and dismay, he simply let me read the city ordinance on the ban of Pythons, Boas, Monkeys, Tigers Lions and the like in this city. He would listen to nothing I had to say at that point and simply told me I had until Wed. the 16th of October to get them out of the city. I now had four days total to find new, experienced homes for my beloved snakes. Not only is this impractical, it is almost impossible. I take that back, it is impossible. After I came in, I read the ordinance (online, due to the fact he would not give me a copy) over and over trying to understand the reasoning behind such an ignorant law. I can see the logic behind banning dangerous animals such as Lions, and Tigers, and venomous species of snakes, but for the life of me, I could not understand the logic behind banning a harmless, Python or Boa. I decided to fight back. I contacted every news station in the Metroplex in a futile attempt to get my story out. I finally got a response from WB 33. Jim Grimes came out with his cameraman and did a short piece on my situation. He was able to get the city spokesman to state on the record, that there is a permitting process that I would be allowed to go through once the snakes were out of the city. Today, I personally appeared at city hall and requested the paperwork necessary to get started in this process. I must admit I was not shocked to find out that no such process exists. Apparently, the animal control officer referred to earlier had already denied my request for a permit. Funny, I don’t remember filling anything out and giving it to him that day, or any other for that matter. I contacted Mr. Grimes again, to let him know that all the information the city provided on the record, for public view, was absolutely false in every way. The last I heard he was trying to contact someone at animal control to see if perhaps they could all get one story and keep it straight. I also took the time while I was there to try and talk to the city secretary, Jeannie Fralicks. She informed me that all I could do would be to write a letter to the appeals committee and wait for a response. Luckily I had one in my back pocket and hand delivered it to her. I have enclosed a copy of that letter with this one. Basically that is where I am at now in this battle for my personal freedoms in Duncanville.
The main point the city keeps giving me is that my snakes are a danger to the public and emergency personell. What a crock.
Sean McDonnell
"It's not what your snakes can do for you, It's what you can do for your snakes"
10-18-02, 11:30 PM
Join Date: May-2002
Location: nanaimo
Age: 59
Posts: 889
oh wow man that suxs the big one
well good lick and i think i can say were all behind you and will help if we can
10-18-02, 11:31 PM
Join Date: Jul-2002
Location: Hiding from "The man" Texas
Age: 49
Posts: 177
Link for address to write to
that is one of the pleas for help I have posted. If any of you have the time, I think as many letters as I can get would help. These people need to see I am not a lone maniac, and that many educated, sane people keep these animals around the world. And they do it safely.
Sean McDonnell
"It's not what your snakes can do for you, It's what you can do for your snakes"
10-19-02, 07:47 AM
Join Date: Sep-2002
Location: Netherlands, Zeeland
Age: 68
Posts: 248
That is a sh*tty thing, man.
I am glad I don't live in your place.
In Holland there is not such law, but keeping venemous snakes is not allowed in every town.
But Pythons and Boa's are not banned for as far as I know.
Much strength and I guess you will not be living a long time in that city.
Hold your head up...
10-19-02, 09:23 AM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Location: Ontario, Canada
Age: 40
Posts: 148
I'm so sorry.
will you be getting any of your snakes back?
~life is like a big toilet and guess what your in it!~
10-19-02, 10:50 AM
Join Date: Aug-2002
Location: Manitoba
Posts: 4,971
Do you have any relatives/friends near by that you can stash them at for the time being? I mean, I'm all for following laws, but mostly just the ones that make sense!!!
What is in you collection, by the way?
10-19-02, 12:53 PM
Join Date: Jul-2002
Location: Hiding from "The man" Texas
Age: 49
Posts: 177
I will bring them home soon. Either with a permit in hand, or in the middle of the night. Cranwill, most of my realitives up here live in Duncanville, and all the firends have unsympathetic wives. I can only hope that somehow this will all work out. I can't let these A-holes get away with this.
Sean McDonnell
"It's not what your snakes can do for you, It's what you can do for your snakes"
10-20-02, 08:53 PM
Join Date: Oct-2002
Location: New Jersey
Age: 60
Posts: 460
Try contacting your State Assemblyman and State Senators. They may be able to help. Are there any state herp organizations in Tx? I would contact them as well, as they may be able to help. If there are any state universities or colleges nearby, their science departments and law departments may also be able to help. It takes hours and hours of phone calls to find out if any of the above can help, but it might be worth it.
10-21-02, 03:04 AM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Posts: 5,936
Your story is ****ty.
I can't believe what you are going through. But it shows how much you love this hobby!
I have one thing to say really....marijuana is illegal yet everybody smokes.
I'd be sneaking those snakes in my house so fast it would make their stupid ignorant heads spin if they knew! *L*
Keep what you love in your house, and the government out!!!
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