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Old 06-04-04, 04:40 PM   #1
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PETA to Petco: Stop selling animals

PETA to Petco: Stop selling animals
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals brings shareholder proposal to chain's annual meeting.
June 4, 2004: 7:35 AM EDT

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Animal rights protestors staked out Petco Animal Supplies Inc.'s annual meeting in San Diego on Thursday to pressure the No. 2 U.S. pet supply chain to stop selling animals in its stores.

The shareholder proposal, brought by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, had asked Petco to study ending animal sales in its 670 stores.

The proposal won approval from less than 2 percent of shareholders, but PETA spokeswoman Christy Griffin said the organization planned "to keep bringing up this issue over and over until they get animals out of their stores."

Petco spokesman Shawn Underwood said "shareholders spoke clearly" with their sound defeat of the proposal.

"From our perspective, 62 percent of households have pets, so 62 percent think it's OK to have pets in the house," Underwood said. "We have a philosophical difference of opinion with them that I don't think we'll ever be able to bridge just because of the fact that they think pet ownership is slavery."

The proposal comes one week after Petco announced it had settled two lawsuits accusing the chain of failing to properly care for animals in its stores.

The consumer protection lawsuits, brought by prosecutors across California, came after state inspectors documented widespread animal care violations at Petco stores during a four-year period.

Petco sells small animals such as birds and rodents, but it works with about 2,000 animal welfare groups to offer customers dogs and cats, Underwood said.

About eight PETA protestors outside the San Diego-based company's annual meeting carried signs that read: "Petco starves baby animals," "Petco throws sick animals in freezers" and "Petco: Where animals die."

As part of its nearly $1 million settlement for the overpricing and animal neglect claims, Petco was required by court order to implement a detailed daily animal care program in all its stores. The chain did not admit wrongdoing in the settlement.

Petco (PETC: Research, Estimates) operates in 43 states and reported first-quarter earnings of $15.8 million.
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Old 06-04-04, 04:54 PM   #2
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TO this day I still don't know what Peta wants people to do with their pets if tomorrow Peta's dream of making them illegal came true. lol. Set them all free in the street? LOL

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Old 06-04-04, 05:03 PM   #3
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yea thats kinda ridiculouse i dont really get y there goin after them so much they cant say all there stores kill animals iv seen some pets stores that take amazing care of there animals and some that take bad care they cant go after a huge corp like that they have no idea.
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Old 06-04-04, 05:14 PM   #4
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PETA = ignorant, stupid people
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Old 06-04-04, 05:45 PM   #5
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Putting PeTA aside, let's not defend Petco either.
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Old 06-04-04, 05:57 PM   #6
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Originally posted by spidergecko
Putting PeTA aside, let's not defend Petco either.
I would agree with that but PETCO can afford to champion pet owners rights. where if the were picking on small time breeders its likely the would have the upperhand financially.
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Old 06-04-04, 06:28 PM   #7
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PETCO at least directs people to adopt an animal if they're purchasing a dog or a cat (just like superpet here in canada).

I know the chains have their issues but they're better then they used to be. and they can only do that with our support, both as suppliers and customers.

as for what peta wants us to do with our animals... i can just immagine the terror they'ed be in if we set them all free, my dog would definetly starve, he's lucky to catch grass.

I'd also rather support some one who's on our side (petco) then some one who's out to get us (peta).

I know superpet deals with local breeders for some of their small animals (I know because i sell them live rats for PETS only). Thats community support... What peta wants to do is destroy your community and make it a sterile and unfriendly place.

I like my version of peta better... People for the eating of tasty animals.
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Old 06-04-04, 06:40 PM   #8
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Personally (not defending peta by any means) I dont like to see animals been sold in pet stores either. Simply because there are very few pet stores who give the proper care to animals, and pet stores in general dont care who buys these animals.
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Old 06-04-04, 06:45 PM   #9
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I agree with you Jayson...I mean heck I even agree with the basic idea PETA used to have.....protect animal rights. They took a good idea and went INSANE with it though.

If I had to choose PETCO would get my support ONLY because they aren't for taking our hobby away from us. Other than that, they have some work to do.

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Old 06-04-04, 07:02 PM   #10
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hehe maybe Ray hunter show let all his animals go in the PETA offices as a show of good faith. Lets see how ethically they would handle that.
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Old 06-04-04, 07:11 PM   #11
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Old 06-04-04, 07:20 PM   #12
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On Penn and Teller's show, they talked about PETA's bankrolling of arsonists, and violent protestors.

I understand that they oppose animals testing, but burning down labs, homes of researchers, or setting animals with deadly diseases free is just asinine.
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Old 06-04-04, 07:48 PM   #13
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I retracted this

Last edited by spidergecko; 06-04-04 at 08:17 PM..
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Old 06-04-04, 08:10 PM   #14
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I don't know what you said before editing your post, but speaking for myself I have no use for PETA because they are extremists.

I don't see them as any different than the anti-abortion extremists who murder doctors and nurses. Not all anti-abortionists are radicals of course, but the violent ones seem to feel they have the divine right to commit murder while condemning others as murderers.

Life is not black and white, despite what some people would have us believe.

And you may say you "retracted" your post, but what you've left in it's stead is no better than saying "You're wrong, but I won't tell you why."

So back up the words or delete them.
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Old 06-04-04, 08:17 PM   #15
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