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Old 10-25-03, 07:16 PM   #1
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New Western Hognose *PICS*

Greetings all,
Here are a few photographs of the yearling male that I recently acquired, he is considerably lighter in colour than my females:

Also, my big female finally succeeded in shedding her skin. I have had her since late June 2003 (she's a yearling) and up until today had yet to shed. I cannot believe how long they go between sheds (she eats three or more prey items every 10 days too and is still growing).
Anyway, she went significantly blue a week ago and finally shed today. She had been making use of her humidity box but still only managed to rid her self of half of her skin. I placed her in a rubbermaid container with a saturated towel and she got the caudal half of the skin off in no time.
Some pics:

Poor girl couldn't move for a week!

Freshly shed and finally rid of her burden, notice the remainder of her skin has come off, works every time.... She looks happy!
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Old 10-25-03, 07:19 PM   #2
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Very nice.

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Old 10-26-03, 01:47 AM   #3
Simon Sansom
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The male's a real sharpie, Ryan!
Looks somewhat similar to my male.
Yes, my two don't seem to shed very often, either, in comparison to my other snakes. Interesting.


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Old 10-26-03, 03:05 AM   #4
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Very nice looking~
Hogs are one of the best snakes to own~
and they always think that they are so
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Old 10-26-03, 12:31 PM   #5
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Wow, I love the male! Very nice colours on him... Your female is very pretty too... and I'm sure she's happy to finally have gotten all that itchy old skin off of herself!
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Old 10-28-03, 08:32 PM   #6
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Nice snakes!
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Old 10-28-03, 08:35 PM   #7
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beutiful animal..i just love there heads..
i have a question that has been bothering me for quite a while. Sometimes i hear the hog nose in the venemous and sometimes i see the hognose in the colubrid..arnt those two complete opposite catagories?
on croc hunter his wife said that it has venom but to a human it wouldnt really do anything..and then i heard collurbrids have no teeth or venom right?
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Old 10-29-03, 06:16 AM   #8
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Old 10-29-03, 06:53 AM   #9
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Great Looking SnakeI have a pair about 1.5yr - alot of breeding but no fertile eggs yet These are the best snakes to have - mine refude to eat unless I hand feed them - but I don't mindThis is my female - I think her color is outstanding, I've never seen one with the reddish throughout the entire body and my male has alot more contrast
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Last edited by gecko5; 10-29-03 at 06:58 AM..
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Old 10-29-03, 02:48 PM   #10
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Bartman ,

well hogs could be considered as venomous but then their venom is kind of like a bee sting. So depending on how illergic to the venom different results can happen. Hogs are rear fanged so they would really have to get you by the back of their teeth in order to get any venom on you. I have seen photos of a person being biten by a hog and his hand got so swollen up and all. But others I have seen only had a little mark like those of a misquto bite. So it all depends. But most people consider them as non-venomous since their venom doesn't affect too much people. But hey~ who knows maybe you're one of those people that are really illergic to their venom and might die from it. You'll never know until they have bitten you and injected some venom in you.

Oh colubrids have teeth too...just not even corns can bite and make a few drops of blood from you...
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Old 10-29-03, 04:02 PM   #11
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thanks so much..i didnt understand that for so long. Do people free handle hogs? or are they agressive?
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Old 10-29-03, 04:17 PM   #12
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bartman, most venomous snakes are colubrids
Old 10-29-03, 09:35 PM   #13
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Great looking hognose! I'm so jealous! I want one!
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Old 10-30-03, 08:27 PM   #14
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Hey Bartman
I have never heard of anyone who doesn't freehandle their hogs. I've also never heard of a hog who bit out of agression, it is always a feeding response when they bite as far as I know. They act like tough little guys, hissing, flattening their necks and they strike with their mouths closed. It kind of pricks like poking yourself with your fingernail.

After seeing the pictures of people who have been biten by these guys and the size that their hands swell I take extra caution when I'm feeding these guys that my hands don't smell like mouse and am very carefull when I move them back to their enclosure after they ate. (I feed my snakes in a "feeding" rubbermaid).

Hogs have such awesome personalities!!!
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Old 10-31-03, 06:40 PM   #15
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nice pics espically feedin pic
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