okay, so, i should add a little point. To prove to Jeff the effects and bennifits of using peat under roots we did a little experiment. Some of the plants had peat jammed under the roots. Some, being the same type i might add where kept in the original pots with foam, and or just pushed into the gravel. In my discussion with him this a.m. he tells me that the plants that had the peat at the roots are the ones growing to the top of the tank. While the ones that did not are still just a little bit bigger than the day he purchase them! The proof is in the pudding. So here, and im glad it worked, is a quick lesson on how $10 for a little natural fertilizer will help your plants not only grow, but fill out as well! Hope this help....for those of you who already use this method, and im sure alot of you do....your probably not surprised. For those of you new to plants, or have had problems in the past. This is the cheapest and easiest, not to mention the safest way to get good growth imo. s.t.