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Old 07-18-03, 12:46 AM   #1
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Amazing My Butt

Wow they must own a really special burm. Yeah right! They claim they were offered 80,000 bucks for it, yeah right! Odds are it was some kid messing with them, I'm sure. If I knew better I'd say it was all a joke. This one burm is sought after my tons of people? Eeven by big breeders? I see only one word on it's body, "LOL". I really think this is just some newbie with a norm who made a BS site to try and make cash. They make it seem as tho this is the top morph, and everyone wants him. I bet my house that if everyone went and checked their snakes you too could own an "amazing text morph". Oh, wait, my bp has a phallic image on his body, every breeder wants him cause he's really valuable, anyone wanna pay 50,000 for him? My god, seriously, everyone go look at their snakes and see.

Now this brings me to my next point. People always trying to pull off something normal as special. Like with bp's everyone is saying their ball is a morph. Like the blushing ball, yeah right, total bs. I could understand someone saying a black back, stiped, or a reduced pattern in a morph. But enough with this high gold crap. It's every where. They're like the ricers of the snake world. Trying to hype something up into what it's not. And everyone knows their idiots.
I'm sending an e-mail to this idiot to tell him what I think. You all should too, just to let him know we all realize he is an idiot.
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Old 07-18-03, 12:53 AM   #2
Tim and Julie B
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That is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen. Look hard enough and any reptile with a pattern could have words or shapes on them
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Old 07-18-03, 12:56 AM   #3
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Old 07-18-03, 01:01 AM   #4
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url didnt work for me
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Old 07-18-03, 01:02 AM   #5
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haha okay i went back and it worked this time- that is pretty freaking pathetic!
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Old 07-18-03, 01:03 AM   #6
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They must have alot of time on their hand's to sit there and look for word's and pictures

That make's me want to drink a 60oz er and look for words and pictures on my albino Burm and then try to sell as word perfect

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Old 07-18-03, 01:32 AM   #7
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Wow... I went to their site and they feed him LIVE LARGE RATS
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Old 07-18-03, 02:02 AM   #8
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I dunno, seems like the site was actually meant as a joke. Seems too stupid to be unintentionally stupid.

Man, I should start looking closely at my guys too! Stud service anyone?
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Old 07-18-03, 04:10 AM   #9
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Here's some quote that let you know they are clueless lying newbies.

Burmese Pythons can reach a length of 27 feet but average about 18 to 20 feet.

Malachi's other morphs include:

Arrow Head
Racoon Eyes
"Crazy Face"
Lady's Face
Man's Face
Double-headed Arrow
2 Skulls
Roman Numeral "II"

Breeding Service Fees:

I would be willing to pay $100 - $ 300

I would be willing to pay $300 - $ 600

I would be willing to pay $600 - $ 800

I would be willing to pay $800 - $ 1000

I would be willing to pay more than $1000 if required

have been offered near $80,000 for Malachi, consider what his offspring might potentially be worth.

However, given his uniqueness, we are seriously considering the hundreds of inquiries we have received requesting Malachi's availability for "stud" service. While there may be many "captive breeders" of albino burmese pythons, offering the resulting offspring for sale, we know of no other "mating service" offering the opportunity for a female of the species to mate with a python like Malachi in anticipation of producing offspring with similar distinctive markings. That could very well be because there are no other male albino burmese pythons as unique or as valuable as Malachi.
They feed live also, idiots. Apparently they don't know much because I'm sure this almight word phase isn't gentic. Total frikkin idiots, it drives me nuts.
Plus they probably think it's all true. Considering they say there is no other burmese python as valuable as malachi.
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Old 07-18-03, 04:18 AM   #10
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Hey my bp also has a pair of....well you should notice.

He's the most valuable bp morph around.
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Old 07-18-03, 06:15 AM   #11
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So ya mean I could get $80,000 for my "alien" ball or my rainbow with the mickey mouse ears? lol
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Old 07-18-03, 07:20 AM   #12
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I gave up years ago on trying to keepup with all the BP and Corn morphs. I think I'll start selling Ball Pythons that are Poss. Het for legs (hey, anything is possible, just not probible).
I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now I don't know what to feed it.
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Old 07-18-03, 07:35 AM   #13
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BP morphs are easy to keep up with. Try not going insane learning corn and leopard gecko morphs tho. Thats friggen nuts.
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Old 07-18-03, 07:41 AM   #14
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They must be on glue! Give me a break that is so ********.
Linds I'll give ya 100k for the mikey RBR!
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Old 07-18-03, 07:54 AM   #15
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You've got to be on acid to see what they "see". Lame.
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