Here's some field-herping photos from this year so far...
Actually, this first photo was from last fall. My mentor and I went night-herping behind our local nature center. Found several juvenile banded water snakes, a mud turtle, thousands of baby green anoles (I did not know they climbed to the tops of tall grass, clinging there during the night!), and a subadult cottonmouth. Because this trail is a dirt/gravel pit that four-wheelers often come thundering down and pulverizing everything in their path, we relocated nearly everything we could find, including the cottonmouth. My mentor took the cotton home, and 6 days later, she dropped 6 babies! This is one of them.
Here is a greenhouse frog I found on my porch area, clearing some area for future tortoise enclosures. It's an established invasive species in the southeast, much like Mediterranean geckos.
This spring, I caught a couple photos of these gopher tortoises, also at the same nature center (we hold our monthly herp society meetings here). There are burrows everywhere.
In another location, a environmental management area owned by a power plant, some friends and I went out. Found a garter but it was too fast. Other than that and a couple dozen anoles, I found this Little Brown Skink.
Not far from my house is an EXCELLENT habitat for EDBs, kingsnakes, racers, rat snakes, tortoises, racerunners and fence lizards. Here is one of many speckled kingsnakes that has come from the area.
This is a cornsnake my dad spotted while golfing.