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Old 11-09-12, 01:07 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov-2012
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Question Unsure..

I wasn't to sure about which forum to use.. I rescued a brown house snake about ± 900cm long when I rescued her she looked as though she was blind only to discover the previous owner let a shed go bad.. Her eye has since come right and she seems more relaxed.. We feed all our snakes on a thursday night so last we tried her with a small not yet full grown mouse and all she did was strike at it constantly and releasing it I've had her for two weeks now and her previous owner said she was due to eat the following day we tried she wasn't interested now we have tried again only to have the same result we have tried wriggling it infront of her leaving it in with her and she just strikes at it constantly becoming very aggressive we really don't know what to do it seems like she's starving herself..
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Old 11-09-12, 04:40 AM   #2
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Re: Unsure..

How long have you had it? it may need more time to settle in before it will feed
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Old 11-10-12, 12:54 AM   #3
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Re: Unsure..

I've had her for about 2 weeks now its worrying because we aren't sure how long she's been without food and she keeps striking at it but once shes bitten it she let's it go.. We've tried a mouse a fuzzie even a pinkie what else can we do? Is force feeding an option we had to do that with our albino juvi house snake
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Old 11-10-12, 01:40 AM   #4
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Re: Unsure..

have you tried poking the mouse skull with a safety pin and or squish the skull so the snake can smell it... are you using tongs or leaving the pinky on the ground? some snakes prefer a moving target then a lifeless pinky.
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Old 11-11-12, 12:23 AM   #5
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Re: Unsure..

Hey.. Yes we have long tongs and we've tried fuzzies, pinkies and mice she's just under a metre long and she's Striking it but refuses to eat it.. Is force feeding an option I mean she's not a small snake she gets very aggressive when There's food in the tank so its not like she's not hungry I don't know what to do????
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Old 11-11-12, 08:14 AM   #6
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Re: Unsure..

Force feeding should be left for a final option when the snake is loosing weight and you have trried everything.

How often are you attemting to feed? It seems like you have tried a few things for only having it two weeks?
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Old 11-12-12, 12:10 AM   #7
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Re: Unsure..

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
Force feeding should be left for a final option when the snake is loosing weight and you have trried everything.

How often are you attemting to feed? It seems like you have tried a few things for only having it two weeks?
Yes I have tried a lot of things for only having had it for 2 weeks but its because she's my baby just like my other ones I don't like not knowing when last she has eaten..
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Old 11-12-12, 12:18 AM   #8
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Re: Unsure..

We feed our snakes every Friday so we have tried while feeding the others to put a fuzzy in with her she strikes at it but then spits it out you can leave it over night, wiggle it infront of her or put it right in front of her she just won't eat.. The guy we rescued her from claimed he caught her in the wild 2 days before we rescued her but she is so tame we don't believe him..
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Old 11-12-12, 12:35 AM   #9
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Re: Unsure..

Just leave her completely alone for a week no handling or feeding. Just change the water an that's it. Then after a week try feeding if she doesn't eat just leave her only until she eats. Then you want to wait till she eaten a couple times before even trying to handle her. She just needs to settle in to her new home. Snake can go a long time with out food so just give it time and be patience.

Plus if she is wild caught there is a chance she may never eat for you and it might be better to just release her to give her a fighting chance.
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Old 11-12-12, 03:21 AM   #10
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Re: Unsure..

Originally Posted by marvelfreak View Post
Just leave her completely alone for a week no handling or feeding. Just change the water an that's it. Then after a week try feeding if she doesn't eat just leave her only until she eats. Then you want to wait till she eaten a couple times before even trying to handle her. She just needs to settle in to her new home. Snake can go a long time with out food so just give it time and be patience.

Plus if she is wild caught there is a chance she may never eat for you and it might be better to just release her to give her a fighting chance.
^^^^ This
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Old 11-13-12, 03:53 AM   #11
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Re: Unsure..

Marvel she's far to tame to be wild she doesn't attack us if we hold her or even try to escape.. I can't bring myself to abandon her as I know she won't survive
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Old 11-13-12, 05:26 AM   #12
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Re: Unsure..

Well if your keeping her then try this.....
Keep with the above and also add this. Put the dead warm prey in the enclosure and leave it overnight up to 24 hrs. Just leave the snake be. No handling at all for a few days first. This will work. Let the snake settle and rest assured the snake is not starving for a long time from now.
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Old 11-14-12, 12:06 AM   #13
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Re: Unsure..

And if she still won't eat what else is there to try????? I'm really grateful for the feedback
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