Thanks for the compliment. That's actually an old pic I was just using to test.
I am using a WebTv system and I seem to have a lot of compatibility problems when I try to post pics.
For example, when I ask people for assistance they always mention a "browse" button or icon. But that's on a PC. I am unable to see a browse button.
Webtv is basically a simple and inexpensive way to get online and it has it's draw-backs. It's fairly slow, by PC standards and it is somewhat limited in what it can do.
A lot of folks in the 'States use it.
The good points are; it's cheap ($200 Canadian got me on-line), and it uses my T.V., so I can sit in my comfy chair and surf the net with friends in the living room. It allows you to publish web pages also and of course e-mail etc.
take care.