Cheers everyone!
I noticed a few days ago that my female milk was sitting in her water bowl for hours on end. Upon further inspection I could see she was feeling blue (in shed). So I didn't think much of it. Three days later, seeing her
still do nothing but sit in her water it is now of concern. I know that they will sit in the water to loosen the skin a bit to get ready for a shed, but this seems excessive. I took her out of the water bowl, and saw a black spec or two in the water, but I assume this must have been dried feces or something, because the amount of time she has spent in the water bowl, more than one or two would have drowned. - Anywho, my male milk decided today to play monkey see money do, he does not appear to be in shed (although it may be more apparent in a day or two) I did the same inspection on him for mites, and I don't see anything....
The paper towels I use are the cheapest piece of garbage you can buy, but I stay on top of it - if there is excrement or urine I completely wash the bin and put fresh paper towels in - which is why I'm not buying Bounty or something of better quality. I guess I could get to my point now, huh? The paper towels I buy have these diminutive black specs in them that I thought were mites for sure, but upon getting a fresh pack out of the trunk of the car, downstairs, and around the corner; I was enlightened that all my paper towels have these tiny black dots. (Something I've never noticed before) It's how they are made I guess. My concern is that I do in fact have mites, although I doubt it. I did just recently add a Rosy Boa to my collection, he looks fine, eating, no sign of mites. These two snakes have never entered shed at the same time, humidity is correct as well as temperatures cool/hot. I have my snakes in a rack system that would make Macgyver look twice, so if there is a mite problem I will have five snakes to deal with - I'm sure.
This is a picture of the female, obviously feeling blue, but in good spirits. She ate yesterday - without hesitation - despite being in shed. It was taken on my cellphone so I hope your mind can comprehend the amount of detail that is included in its 3.2 megapixels. Most people experience euphoria by taking a gander of the sublime pictures I take with this omnipotent device. (Seriously the camera sucks) If you right click->view picture and zoom in and look at the paper towels, you will see the little black spots I am talking about, I just want a second opinion...Anyone refute, or challenge my thought that I am just being overzealous about the whole situation? Again, keeping in the mind that the male milk, with no signs of shed is now playing Michael Phelps as well....If these two don't shed or get out of the water soon I'm going to buy some rubber duckies, and rename them Bert and Ernie.
If one of my other snakes starts sitting in a water bowl I will probably start going crazy. Thanks everyone!
- h3