A few recommendations, if you don't mind...
1. Switch the light for an under tank heater.
2. The under tank heater ("heat mat") must be hooked up to a
thermostat. A thermostat allows you to set the temperature for the heat mat, so that you don't accidentally cook your snake.
3. He needs a second hide. There should be one hide on each side of his enclosure, so that he can thermoregulate and feel safe doing so (at either side).
About feeding...
There is a myth that if you feed your snake inside his/her enclosure, they will begin to associate their cage with feeding time and will be more likely to bite you. This is not true! The same logic can be applied if you're feeding your snake outside the enclosure: they will begin to associate being taken out of their enclosure with feeding time and will be more likely to bite you. Neither scenarios are true. So long as your hand doesn't smell like rat, your snake won't associate your hand with food.
One reason to feed inside the enclosure is that it will reduce stress. Moving your snake out of the enclosure can be stressful and can cause your snake to refuse to eat. So I would encourage you to feed inside the enclosure