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Old 06-23-12, 08:23 PM   #1
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Nile Monitor rescue...have some questions.

Today my better half surprised me with another reptile. She, as well as some of yall know, I'm not a huge fan of reptiles with legs. I would like to "start small" though. Anyway, after seeing this guy and his conditions I knew we (I) were going to keep him on the condition that she finds a new home for him asap. I just do not have room for a monitor at this time. He was given to her in a 10 gallon tank with a screen top, that astroturf stuff for tanks, a small water dish and some crickets.

What I have is a 55 gallon tank. I was going to cut a piece of wood to fit the top, mount some lights uvb/uva, maybe a heat omitter, big water bowl some hides. Now is this sufficient until we find him/her a home? I've read that they need 80-90 ambient day, drop to 70-80 night and a basking of 120ish?

I know some might ask why Im keeping this not being prepared but if you would see this lil guys setup you hopefully would agree with me.

Also what's the best substrate to use?

Humidity levels? There are so many conflicting sheets.

Thanks guys an gals. And one more thing, our animal shelter does not take reptiles. So what would be the next best thing to finding this guy a home?

Most of my friends are cold blooded
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Old 06-23-12, 09:29 PM   #2
Join Date: Jan-2012
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Re: Nile Monitor rescue...have some questions.

basking temp highs need to be around 140
I use top soil for the substrate
plenty of hiding places (bark, logs, ect)
60-80% humidity
fed daily bugs and mice
A Nile should be growing about and inch every ten days they don't stay small for very long

How big is this monitor, Is he a hatchling?

As far as finding him a home find someone who knows or has a great desire to learn all they can about the extensive care and requirements that a very large lizard needs and make sure they are able to afford it as well. These are Big lizards but are a very rewarding experience. They need LOTs of room!

Good luck and hope this helps
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Old 06-24-12, 08:10 AM   #3
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Re: Nile Monitor rescue...have some questions.

I would use a combination coconut coir,sand and topsoil,topsoil in itself has bad qualities,dry it's like concrete,wet it gets muddy.Lots of people have good success with this mixture.If it's a small Nile under 18" i would have at least 8" substrate.What's the temp in the room it's kept,if it's cold insulating the sides of the aquarium is a good idea.Use a floodlight 50w at one end,preferably within the cage,at a distance you get a basking temp of around 130F,cool end including temp in substrate high 70's low 80's.Solid top very little ventilation,like simpleyork say lots of tight hiding spots,not caves.

What you are looking for are conditions that prevent dehydration and promote a good feeding response.Smaller younger individuals can and should eat a lot,give them whole prey items as much as they'll eat,and conditions described as above no need for special lighting.

The basking temp you can play around with,i think starting at 140F is too high,as long as it's above 115-120F,you can gradually increase it .You want to heat with the lowest possible wattage possible and might need more than one to get conditions right.Always choose more low wattage bulbs to one high wattage bulb.As long as you give it a range of temps and humidities,security,lots of food it will grow.The variable that might effect this is possible organ damage from the importation process and previous improper care,growth and vigor is a good sign.
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Old 06-24-12, 08:14 AM   #4
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Re: Nile Monitor rescue...have some questions.

ambient temps mid 80's to low 90's.
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Old 06-24-12, 09:49 AM   #5
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Re: Nile Monitor rescue...have some questions.

Thanks guys. I really wasn't prepared for this but I know with everyones help this lil guy will be a-ok.

Most of my friends are cold blooded
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Old 06-24-12, 11:37 AM   #6
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Re: Nile Monitor rescue...have some questions.

Good luck finding a decent home for it.. they are far and few between.
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Old 06-24-12, 01:47 PM   #7
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Re: Nile Monitor rescue...have some questions.

I would take him off your hands in a heartbeat if I had the money, space, and it was legal in my state lol. I want a nile so bad, they are simply lovely. Good luck with the little one I wish I could help.
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