Here's a still unnamed Colombian Redtail BCI. She's a pretty typical redtail, her demeanor and personality is like my previous two I had years ago. Very sweet, somewhat shy, and she's becoming more curious. She doesn't like being put down when held and seems to prefer being held to just being out and about. I purchased her at the end of January from Ben Siegel.
I took more pics but she decided she didn't want to pose for the camera and the few I took are too blurry to post.
Here's the infamous (at my house anyway) Nom Nom. When I opened her tub she greeted me like, "Watcha doin' up there?"
She appears to be quite curious as to what humans smell and taste like. lol
Although she hasn't bitten in weeks, I still handle her with my motorcycle gloves when I first get her out. I still don't quite trust her around my fingers as when I take the gloves off, she gets really curious about what the digits really are lol
I usually start her handling sessions with gloves on and as she calms down in my hands, I take them off. I still won't get her out without them on since she still acts like she wants to taste me lol
This is Allie. She's my problem feeder burm. She's such a sweetheart but such a stubborn eater! She refuses rats and rabbit pinks. So I feed her a chick and piggy back a nice sized rat behind it. Most times she lets me without putting up a fuss. Before she was only eating several mice and not getting any bigger, so I'm proud that she's actually getting some size on her. I'm still looking for alternate food sources as I know I really need to get her to eat an appropriate prey on her own.
She does this everytime I open her tub
Awwwww...she has such a cute dinosaur face
She's still a bit on the thin side, but she's really started to get some weight on her.
Aside from her eating issues, she's probably the sweetest of all my animals. She's such a baby lol