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Old 03-19-12, 11:54 AM   #1
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The good news is that when I get the BRB, I'll pretty much never have to worry about humidity being too low.

The bad news is that I can't get it below 70% for my Milk...

I got a bigger wattage lamp, so hopefully that will make it go down at least a little more. Most people think that it's not a concern for a milksnake as long as it's not wet in there. And it's not. It's just that the humidity where I live is naturally high and my room doesn't have heating so it never dries up in here.

Should I worry? At least she shouldn't have problem shedding, right?
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Old 03-19-12, 11:56 AM   #2
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Re: Humidity...

What are you using to measure the humidity in the room and tank?

If it is really that high and you want to lower it I would invest in a small dehumidifier for your room and keep your door shut. I would not add a larger lamp and heat the snake up more seeing as all the air in your room is that humid.
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Old 03-19-12, 11:59 AM   #3
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Re: Humidity...

is your milk in a screen top enclosure?
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Old 03-19-12, 12:08 PM   #4
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Re: Humidity...

Originally Posted by Gungirl View Post
What are you using to measure the humidity in the room and tank?

If it is really that high and you want to lower it I would invest in a small dehumidifier for your room and keep your door shut. I would not add a larger lamp and heat the snake up more seeing as all the air in your room is that humid.
I actually needed a bigger lamp because the only place warm enough turned out to be right underneath her half log. I got a digi thermo with a probe yesterday and measured in multiple places, and yeah... glad I got it. Her cool side was also too cold, so the heat lamp should at least solve the temperature issues.

I got a basic reptile hygrometer from Petco and I have my old hermit crab hygro laying on my desk that's measuring around 80%. I'm not worried about accuracy because the outside humidity is 78% right now according to NOAA and like I said, my room doesn't get any heating.

The door is pretty much always shut unless me or my roommate are home. The only time this room ever gets some heat is when we leave the door open for a while actually...

I'm not gonna worry about it if it's not gonna hurt her. But some people here said that it could be a problem, so I'm just making sure.

Originally Posted by alessia55 View Post
is your milk in a screen top enclosure?
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Old 03-19-12, 12:40 PM   #5
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Re: Humidity...

Originally Posted by Trollbie View Post
I got a basic reptile hygrometer from Petco and I have my old hermit crab hygro laying on my desk that's measuring around 80%. I'm not worried about accuracy because the outside humidity is 78% right now according to NOAA and like I said, my room doesn't get any heating.
does your hygrometer look like this one?

If it does, get rid of it. And you do need to worry about accuracy. Those analog hygrometers are wildly inaccurate. And you'll want to measure humidity properly for your coming BRB. Get a digital one; you can find some pretty cheap ones online, at an electronics store, a hardware store, or a home depot.
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Old 03-19-12, 12:50 PM   #6
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Re: Humidity...

Originally Posted by alessia55 View Post
does your hygrometer look like this one?

If it does, get rid of it. And you do need to worry about accuracy. Those analog hygrometers are wildly inaccurate. And you'll want to measure humidity properly for your coming BRB. Get a digital one; you can find some pretty cheap ones online, at an electronics store, a hardware store, or a home depot.
Yeah that's the one lol. It was $4 so I just got it to get an estimate for now. I meant that I don't have to question the hygro measuring high, because the humidity here is high and I know my room isn't below 70% also. I do know that they aren't very accurate and plan on getting a digital one for sure. This was just to give me an idea. I already got a digi thermo because I don't really trust the analog one. I get a big paycheck in 2 weeks (or less) so that's when I'll buy all the good stuff.

I'm buying Penelope a 20 Long tank and am gonna use the 20 tall for the boa. Well I'm probably gonna keep him in a tub and put the tub in the tank so I don't have to worry about heating the tub. But both of them are going to get appropriate and legit homes
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Old 03-19-12, 12:54 PM   #7
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Re: Humidity...

If you get a dehumidifier, it will make it a betel temp in your room for you! I have one I have the same problem as you. You can put your dehumidifier on a timer as well, you won't wake up with lots of boogys and you'll notice a difference in your energy you won't be so tired or sluggish! Air flow humitdy is caused by not enough air flow on a room, with heat drying out water, I don't know I have mine and I love it!
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Old 03-19-12, 01:02 PM   #8
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Re: Humidity...

Originally Posted by Trollbie View Post
Yeah that's the one lol. It was $4 so I just got it to get an estimate for now.
Yup, get rid of it and get a digital one. They cost no more than like, $12 and they make a world of a difference.
Originally Posted by Trolbie View Post
Well I'm probably gonna keep him in a tub and put the tub in the tank so I don't have to worry about heating the tub.
I'm confused... why are you putting the tub in the tank? Why don't you want to heat the tub directly?
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Old 03-19-12, 01:04 PM   #9
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Re: Humidity...

Originally Posted by Bradyloach View Post
If you get a dehumidifier, it will make it a betel temp in your room for you! I have one I have the same problem as you. You can put your dehumidifier on a timer as well, you won't wake up with lots of boogys and you'll notice a difference in your energy you won't be so tired or sluggish! Air flow humitdy is caused by not enough air flow on a room, with heat drying out water, I don't know I have mine and I love it!
I don't know if it's worth the investment if I'm only gonna be here till June. And the weather is gonna warm up again soon and then it won't be as much of an issue if at all. We have the good kind of humidity here, not the kind that makes you all sticky and sweaty and gross

If I open the windows, I guarantee you the humidity in here would actually increase because of the outside humidity.
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Old 03-19-12, 01:09 PM   #10
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Re: Humidity...

Originally Posted by alessia55 View Post
Yup, get rid of it and get a digital one. They cost no more than like, $12 and they make a world of a difference.

I'm confused... why are you putting the tub in the tank? Why don't you want to heat the tub directly?
That is the plan!

Because I already have the heating set up for the tank, so if I keep it heated, I don't have to heat the tub directly which will probably save me from having to buy a new heating method specifically for the tub. I don't plan on getting more reptiles in the near future, so I think it will be easier if I just do it that way. And I'll have a place to put the tub and not have to worry about someone handling it inappropriately because they aren't paying attention to what's in the tub.

If this is a bad idea, than I won't do it. So please tell me if there's anything wrong with the idea!
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Old 03-19-12, 01:17 PM   #11
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Re: Humidity...

Originally Posted by Trollbie View Post
That is the plan!

Because I already have the heating set up for the tank, so if I keep it heated, I don't have to heat the tub directly which will probably save me from having to buy a new heating method specifically for the tub. I don't plan on getting more reptiles in the near future, so I think it will be easier if I just do it that way. And I'll have a place to put the tub and not have to worry about someone handling it inappropriately because they aren't paying attention to what's in the tub.

If this is a bad idea, than I won't do it. So please tell me if there's anything wrong with the idea!
Just never heard of someone doing that... so IDK how it'll work out. Is it because the heat mat is stuck to the tank? Is the heat mat hooked up to a thermostat? You'll have to measure the temps inside the tub, and probably mess with the thermostat to get it to the right temperature since the heat will have to travel through the tank and the tub exteriors. I'd set it up before your BRB arrives so you can see if it'll work or if you'll need a new heat mat.
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Old 03-19-12, 01:32 PM   #12
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Re: Humidity...

Originally Posted by alessia55 View Post
Just never heard of someone doing that... so IDK how it'll work out. Is it because the heat mat is stuck to the tank? Is the heat mat hooked up to a thermostat? You'll have to measure the temps inside the tub, and probably mess with the thermostat to get it to the right temperature since the heat will have to travel through the tank and the tub exteriors. I'd set it up before your BRB arrives so you can see if it'll work or if you'll need a new heat mat.

Yeah the heating pad is under the tank, and I'm already gonna have to buy a new one for Penelope's new tank. But my main source of heat us a heat lamp, so when it's at the top of the tank, I won't have to worry about cooking the baby or it being too cold with a just heating pad. Since I got a thermo with a probe, it won't be hard to measure the temp inside the tub... right?

I start my spring break on Friday and get my moneyz sometime next week so I'll have plenty time to get it set up and ready. They won't let me take him home any earlier than the first week of April anyway.
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Old 03-19-12, 01:37 PM   #13
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Re: Humidity...

So long as your heat source is hooked up to a good thermostat you should be able to adjust the temps however you need it. And yes, it'll be good to have a thermometer with a heat probe inside the enclosure to measure the temps accurately.
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Old 03-19-12, 01:41 PM   #14
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Re: Humidity...

Umm order one on eBay! For 20 bucks you can get an insane one
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Old 03-19-12, 01:49 PM   #15
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Re: Humidity...

Originally Posted by alessia55 View Post
So long as your heat source is hooked up to a good thermostat you should be able to adjust the temps however you need it. And yes, it'll be good to have a thermometer with a heat probe inside the enclosure to measure the temps accurately.
I don't have a thermostat, but my heating lamp has a dimmer. The temps in my room stay stable for the most part because we don't really get any sun here. But I'll plan on getting a thermostat for sure. I never thought or read about having a thermostat until you mentioned it. Thanks
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