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Old 01-11-12, 10:30 AM   #1
Boa Boy Roy
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Calling all snake breeders...

As many of you know, I am now collecting the most beautiful BRB's I can afford, all of whom will be bred when the time comes, I will also (hopefully) breed Madagascan Ground and also Dominican Red Mountain boas.

As you know, I have 0.3 BRB: A "Normal" who is getting more red by the day, a high-red, ans a Pearl, which leaves me at a crossroads of sorts. My wife would like to "specialize" or continue improving the high-red color, are making better and better Pearl phase.

I would like to diversify, and bring in a very high orange male, and I know of a striped male available that I have already had to pass on once. There is also a breeder who is crossing an AMAZING copper-colored BRB to a "chocolate" line. I cannot wait to see those babies!!

Now, I know some are really into hypos (myself excluded), and they carry a pretty high price tag, as do the aneries!

My question to all of you: Is your goal to make one particular trait even better than the last litter, it, do you want to diversify and have reds, oranges, hypos, Pearls, stripes, etc.

Please let me know what you think and why.

Thank you!!
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Old 01-11-12, 01:33 PM   #2
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

I like diversity myself. But if you focus on one trait you could be the next peter kahl or Dan brown.
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who's too stupid to care.
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Old 01-11-12, 02:25 PM   #3
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

I know Kahlil has a line of boas, What is Dan Brown known for?
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Old 01-11-12, 05:43 PM   #4
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

Originally Posted by Strutter769 View Post
I know Kahlil has a line of boas, What is Dan Brown known for?

He wrote "The Da Vinci Code" - quite a good book but it divides opinion
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Old 01-11-12, 06:02 PM   #5
Boa Boy Roy
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

Well, with the purchase of 1.0 High Red, I could work on improving the red color, it with 1.0 Pearl, I could produce those; however, my gut tells me "Pearls" will become more commonplace (like bullseyes) by the time my girls mature. It's gotta be difficult/expensive to stay "cutting edge" the way Dave (Colling) has with his amazing new candy-stripe line. I know he was also able to get some Pearls breeding a Pearl x Normal, although I understand that's not the norm.

So, to specialize would be to have the best reds, or the best oranges, or the best Pearls, or stripes... whereas when diversifying, I could work on a striped "Pearl" (Don't steal my idea, Dave or Cliff! Lol) which I think would be cool. My wife thinks that'd be "too many things going on with one animal."

I'm now studying herp genetics, but I'm not that far into the book yet. So, I still have practically everything to learn in the next three years. I know it'll also raise tons of questions too, which is why I have you guys!
"The question is do we allow the government to take our property rights away from us based on unfounded manipulations from a special interest group?" ~ Erika N. Chen-Walsh, President, U.S. Help Alliance
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Old 01-11-12, 06:19 PM   #6
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

I also have another question, about breeding more than one male to a female. What are the benefits (to me, obviously I know the benefits to the female! Lol) of this practice? Higher odds of a successful breed? I've also read that the introduction of a second male will kind of entice the other male to breed. But how do you know what types of babies to expect? I understand that's not a big issue, especially if the males are similar, but lets say I breed a high red female to both an orange male and a chocolate male? For the sake of this argument, lets say she locks upbwith both.... What babies should I expect?
"The question is do we allow the government to take our property rights away from us based on unfounded manipulations from a special interest group?" ~ Erika N. Chen-Walsh, President, U.S. Help Alliance
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Old 01-11-12, 06:20 PM   #7
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

I focus on what I personally like in my breedings, not after anything new or spectacular.
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Old 01-11-12, 10:25 PM   #8
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

Originally Posted by Strutter769 View Post
I also have another question, about breeding more than one male to a female. What are the benefits (to me, obviously I know the benefits to the female! Lol) of this practice? Higher odds of a successful breed? I've also read that the introduction of a second male will kind of entice the other male to breed. But how do you know what types of babies to expect? I understand that's not a big issue, especially if the males are similar, but lets say I breed a high red female to both an orange male and a chocolate male? For the sake of this argument, lets say she locks upbwith both.... What babies should I expect?
I have no snakes and never had but I do know that there is no way to know what hatches out the possibilities are 1. The babies are all from male number one 2. he babies are all from male number two and so one with how many you breed but there is a slight chance that it was sired by both so half of the clutch would be from one male and the other half the other. I hope this makes sense...
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Old 01-11-12, 10:34 PM   #9
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

I understand there's no way to know for sure, and even knowing the odds, it's still all up to chance. I did not however, know both males could sire neonates in the same litter. Thanks for that.

Still looking for more input on specializing or diversifying. Any and all input is welcome.

Where are all the breeders tonight?
"The question is do we allow the government to take our property rights away from us based on unfounded manipulations from a special interest group?" ~ Erika N. Chen-Walsh, President, U.S. Help Alliance
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Old 01-12-12, 12:06 AM   #10
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

I am not a breeder but I am a buyer and I think that you will get more business with diversity because there will be more snakes appealing to one person and more of a chance of someone liking an animal that you have. Lets say I only breed pastel ball pythons I would only sell to people who like pastels.
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Old 01-12-12, 12:52 AM   #11
red ink
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

You have to look at it at where you want to be and how/if you want to be known...

Say for example with carpets (as this is what I know)

I know who to get jungles from....

Who to get bredlis from

who to get coastals from

etc.. etc...

Sure there are plenty of others that breed these but as always the highest quality or the ones most sought after are the animals of people who specialise with them.

In boas as you would know if you were after a certain morph, locality or what ever you would instantly know who to source them from, why? Most likely cause that's what they specialise in. I'm sure there are other people who have the morphs your after but is any animal of that morph good enough for you or do you go to the source so to speak?

That's what you gotta ask yourself...
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Old 01-12-12, 11:31 AM   #12
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

Bearded and Ink, thanks for your replies. Bearded, I definitely understand what you mean about appealing to the masses with diversity and that's a huge point!

Red, I'm not sure I am as clear on your point. I do want to be the go-to guy for somethin', I'm just not sure what traits of the BRB I could specialize in, especially being YEARS behind guys like rainbowsrus, Snakesitter, Bryan Hummel, Aubrey Ross @ Slipstream, and those are only the names I know, not to mention all the others.

So, what could I be the go-to guy for? *thinking out loud* I could possibly work on redder reds, more brilliant oranges, maybe cleaner Pearls, (I still like the idea of a striped Pearl. I haven't seen that's yet.

Any other suggestions on what traits one could specialize in?
"The question is do we allow the government to take our property rights away from us based on unfounded manipulations from a special interest group?" ~ Erika N. Chen-Walsh, President, U.S. Help Alliance
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Old 01-12-12, 12:02 PM   #13
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A few of my opinions......

Originally Posted by Strutter769 View Post
I also have another question, about breeding more than one male to a female. What are the benefits What babies should I expect?
Dangerous ground here. when bred by two males, even if only seen mating with one, the real question is who's the daddy. You'll never be the "go to guy" with unknown lineage babies. I've only used multiple males a few times and then only when the males are siblings with the same genetic traits.

Originally Posted by beardeds4life View Post
I am not a breeder but I am a buyer and I think that you will get more business with diversity because there will be more snakes appealing to one person and more of a chance of someone liking an animal that you have. Lets say I only breed pastel ball pythons I would only sell to people who like pastels.
I totally agree. I am a breeder and I get buyers wanting all different things. Some want red, others want orange, some like Hypo and others want a more natural looking plainer snake. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Originally Posted by Strutter769 View Post
Bearded and Ink, thanks for your replies. Bearded, I definitely understand what you mean about appealing to the masses with diversity and that's a huge point!

Red, I'm not sure I am as clear on your point. I do want to be the go-to guy for somethin', I'm just not sure what traits of the BRB I could specialize in, especially being YEARS behind guys like rainbowsrus, Snakesitter, Bryan Hummel, Aubrey Ross @ Slipstream, and those are only the names I know, not to mention all the others.

So, what could I be the go-to guy for? *thinking out loud* I could possibly work on redder reds, more brilliant oranges, maybe cleaner Pearls, (I still like the idea of a striped Pearl. I haven't seen that's yet.

Any other suggestions on what traits one could specialize in?

You do raise a very valid point, being years behind other more well known breeders. But remember, each of us "well known breeders" was in your shoes at one time. I can freely admit I was not born a well known breeder! ;-)

Becoming the "go to guy" for anything is the result of years of hard work and persistence.

To get there, collect the BEST specimens you can find/afford. HOLD BACK the cream of their crops. Keep detailed records of what worked vs what did not. And mostly, have fun doing it, cause if you're not having fun, why are you doing it??
Thanks, Dave

0.1 Wife (WC and still very fiesty)
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Old 01-12-12, 03:12 PM   #14
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Re: Calling all snake breeders...

When I shop for BRBs I'm really more of a naturalist for them. I love all BRB morphs and variations but I will always be partial to the originals. For all around boa breeders I'd really like to see some more people breeding locality specific BCC and keeping them pure. Lastly I'd like to say just breed what you yourself want in your collection because at least then if they don't sell for awhile you won't mind taking care of them.
0.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boa, 1.1 Pastel BP, 1.0 Spider BP, 1.0 Cinnamon BP, 0.0.1 Green Iguana, 0.0.1 Bearded Dragon
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Old 01-12-12, 03:36 PM   #15
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Re: A few of my opinions......

Originally Posted by Rainbowsrus View Post
Becoming the "go to guy" for anything is the result of years of hard work and persistence.

To get there, collect the BEST specimens you can find/afford. HOLD BACK the cream of their crops. Keep detailed records of what worked vs what did not. And mostly, have fun doing it, cause if you're not having fun, why are you doing it??
That's the best advice i ever read.
Boas: 1.0 Pastel, 2.2 Brazilian Rainbows Pythons: 0.1 Lesser Royal, The Carpets 2.0 Jungle, 1.0 Jungle x Jag, 0.1 Tiger Jag, 0.1 Coastal Cheers Chuck
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