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Old 08-13-11, 08:26 PM   #1
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Mite Breakout

Just had a mite break out. It sucks, I believe it came from some coco fiber I bought at a reptile store, I was later informed they make it themselves in the back room. I have seen mites in every cage of my collection. They are all being treated with nix atm. The guy at the reptile store was very understanding and offered to pay for the nix treatment (A hole $15), a nice pair of hemostats and half price on a nice female Suriname, how could i say no. It's a pain but it is what it is.
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Old 08-13-11, 08:34 PM   #2
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Re: Mite Breakout

The reptile store has NO visible mites in their viv's they are an extremely responsible herp store, they now have a sign stating:"NO reptiles will be sold due to a mite breakout sorry for the inconvenience" They are currently treating all their reptiles as well. You should read before you post I said "I have seen mites in every cage of my collection." not there cages.
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Old 08-13-11, 08:55 PM   #3
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Re: Mite Breakout


On a serious note I have a carpet that just took a big meal this morning I found no mites in her viv should I wait until the rat passes through before stripping her cage and treating her with nix? I just don't want to cause a regurgitation.
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Old 08-13-11, 09:11 PM   #4
Abracadabra Holmes
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Re: Mite Breakout

First off, sorry for you getting into the mite situation but it happens. I've had to deal with mites before. Ask anyone who's had reptiles for any length of time and most likely they have a mite story. The thing to take from this is to start a quarantine procedure for any new additions you get(I know you got the mites from the substrate you bought but if you don't have a quarantine procedure, now would be a good time to start one). It seems like you're doing everything the right way, all you can do is treat all your animal and start fresh. I don't know what your using now but I found it easier to see if there were any mites left by using paper towels as substrate. As far as the carpet, its really your call, you could try to be super gentle and more him the least amount of times as possible or you could wait a couple days. Either way I would treat him as soon as possible. Just because you don't see mites doesn't mean they aren't there. They are truly a pest. I hope you can fix this problem and never have to deal with them again.
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Old 08-13-11, 09:24 PM   #5
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Re: Mite Breakout

After and during the treatment, they are all placed on paper towels changed daily.
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Old 08-13-11, 09:29 PM   #6
Abracadabra Holmes
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Re: Mite Breakout

Sounds like you have it all under control Jay, keep us posted on how everything goes.
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Old 08-13-11, 09:31 PM   #7
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Re: Mite Breakout

Originally Posted by UwabamiReptiles View Post
Sounds like you have it all under control Jay, keep us posted on how everything goes.
I'm more posting this for people browsing the net looking how to deal with mites. I hope its under can get out of control pretty fast.
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Old 08-13-11, 09:37 PM   #8
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Re: Mite Breakout

Well I hope I never have to deal with mites! If it is anything like having a daughter with waist long hair contracting head lice, I don't want any part of it, lol ! I do have a question jay0133, beside coming into contact with another snake or substrate infected with mites.....are there any other ways for an infestation to occur? If I take my snakes outside, I've been putting a sheet down on the ground first, wasn't sure if mites are in the grass or not.
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Old 08-13-11, 09:43 PM   #9
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Re: Mite Breakout

Ladyjustice33.....head lice is easier to deal with....
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Old 08-13-11, 09:44 PM   #10
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Re: Mite Breakout

Mites do exist in the wild, but is unlikely that your snake will get them from your back yard. Snakes in the wild with mites simply shed their infested skin and move on, while in captivity we leave them no option of leaving the mite behind. Snake mites don't live long without a host.
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Old 08-13-11, 09:49 PM   #11
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Re: Mite Breakout

Wow.....head lice was a nightmare, but then my daughter has exceptionally long and thick hair so took a while to get rid of completely. If mites are worse, than I don't want any part of that. That's great about the yard probably not having mites, when the humidity is high, and it usually is in southeast Texas when we're not in a drought, I like to take my little columbian outside in the sunshine for a little bit.
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Old 08-14-11, 04:02 AM   #12
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Re: Mite Breakout

Originally Posted by ladyjustice33 View Post
Well I hope I never have to deal with mites! If it is anything like having a daughter with waist long hair contracting head lice, I don't want any part of it, lol ! I do have a question jay0133, beside coming into contact with another snake or substrate infected with mites.....are there any other ways for an infestation to occur? If I take my snakes outside, I've been putting a sheet down on the ground first, wasn't sure if mites are in the grass or not.

The most likely way to get mites into your co.lections is something unfortunate like happened to Jay or bringing in a new animal that has them, the other thing to be careful about is if you visit somewhere else where reptiles are kept and then go home and go near your collection. I personally strip off and have a shower as soon as i get home form places that have reptiles - even from my friendly reptile shop that i trust implicitly. Better safe than sorry!
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Old 08-14-11, 04:53 AM   #13
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Re: Mite Breakout

Originally Posted by ladyjustice33 View Post
Wow.....head lice was a nightmare, but then my daughter has exceptionally long and thick hair so took a while to get rid of completely. If mites are worse, than I don't want any part of that. That's great about the yard probably not having mites, when the humidity is high, and it usually is in southeast Texas when we're not in a drought, I like to take my little columbian outside in the sunshine for a little bit.
Soak hair in Listerine for 15 minutes wash out, then white vinegar 15 minutes, comb the dead things out. My dad was some kind of gun tech in the marines and said he learned it from them. He kept the stuff on hand when my brother and I were growing up, worked x 100 better a quarter of the price.
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Old 08-14-11, 07:51 AM   #14
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Re: Mite Breakout

This thread has been cleaned up, please excuse the post order, it looks funny with the extracted posts.. But now it's 100% on topic.

Please keep it on topic
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