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Old 06-21-11, 08:59 AM   #1
slainte mhath
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explanation & apologies

hello everyone

first i would like to apologise for leaving in the first place

2nd i want you all to know i have NOT read any of the pm's sent to me on here,on other forums or my wifes e mail address i gave out

the reason for this is i knew once i heard from all my very good friends on here I WOULD COME BACK IN AN INSTANT.....!!!

the reason i was not coming back and the reason i left in the first place was.......

i could not and would not have let up on sickvenom,i could not stand buy and watch people being scaremongered or torn apart for asking questions and advice

so i thought it better that i leave instead of dragging the forum i respect so much down to daily arguements and pointless posts.

i have given wayne my password for my photobucket account and its the same password i use for all my forum participation

for my own peace of mind i will pm wayne and ask him to go into ALL the forums i use and vouch for me not opening any of my pm's from you all

re the reason for this.....

i wanted to speak to you all without any influence from your pm's.

so you would know what i have said comes straight from me and has in no way been influenced by my very good friendships on here

i will however open my pm's later tonight once wayne looks and see's they are unopened.

i have missed you all as i think of a lot of people on here as very good and real friends.when you go through bad times in every day life i feel for you just as much as if you lived in my street...!!

to me this place feels like one big family where we all do our best by each other.

i'm not being cheeky but you have no idea how hard it was for me to make the decision to leave

it was so hard being away from here that up until today i have not lurked or come back on as i knew the minute i saw all your posts i would NOT be able to resist logging on.

at 1 point on another forum i saw 1 pm from big rob and 2 pm's from wayne.that tugged on the heart and head so much that i stopped logging onto that forum for fear of it influencing me.

i did not want to come back to be known as the guy who argue's with sickvenom all day long.

i will not say anymore about sickvenom and i am in no way attacking the guy as he is no longer here to defend himself

for the record
this was the first day i lurked and this was the first thread i read.

for as sad as it is my reason for logging on was.....

even though i walked away to stop daily arguements,if this thread is anything to go by (and i hope its not) then arguements and rudness seems to have prevailed.

so i thought if your not part of the soulution then your part of the problem,so by default i had made myself part of the problem.

so i would like to rejoin our community and try to be part of getting it back to the HELPFULL POLITE forum it once was

thank you all for taking time to read the above and it sure is nice to be back

wayne if you feel my explaination warrents a thread of its own,then do your wizrad stuff and make it be

i hope i find everyone well and happy

all the very best shaun
ALWAYS judge a person by the way they treat someone who can be of NO POSSIBLE USE TO THEM !
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Old 06-21-11, 09:10 AM   #2
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Re: put a snake in a bag and bury it in sand

let me be the first to say:

There are many things in life that we all take for granted, But the most important things that we affect are the animals and their habitats of this planet. If we can do something for these animals like give them a home and we can meet there basic needs then we are all heroes for making sure that the animals will still be there for future generations and should lead by example.
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Old 06-21-11, 09:16 AM   #3
slainte mhath
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explanation & apologies

Edit... moved post from "bury a snake in the sand"
ALWAYS judge a person by the way they treat someone who can be of NO POSSIBLE USE TO THEM !

Last edited by infernalis; 06-21-11 at 10:13 PM..
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Old 06-21-11, 09:17 AM   #4
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Re: explanation & apologies

let me be the first to say:

There are many things in life that we all take for granted, But the most important things that we affect are the animals and their habitats of this planet. If we can do something for these animals like give them a home and we can meet there basic needs then we are all heroes for making sure that the animals will still be there for future generations and should lead by example.
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Old 06-21-11, 09:21 AM   #5
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Re: explanation & apologies

You came home,, That's all the matters, nothing else.
"Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes
of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?"
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Old 06-21-11, 09:33 AM   #6
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Re: explanation & apologies

Welcome home mate - it has been a sadder place without you and now the sun is shining once again!

SOOOOOOOOOOO glad that you are back and remember that we love you for who you are and never judge you for defending innocent people!!

So glad you are here
May you have more good days than bad
You never know how strong you are - until being strong is your only choice
There are no dark clouds - just well hidden silver linings!!
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Old 06-21-11, 09:36 AM   #7
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Re: explanation & apologies

Welcome back Shaun! We missed you (and your carpets)! Mostly you though!

I was busy and unable to keep up with the forum while the great debate was taking place...when I had some time and came back, you were gone

But now you are back, wooohooo!
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Old 06-21-11, 09:58 AM   #8
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Re: explanation & apologies

Shaun. Glad your back dude. Or should i say mate? I was only here about 2 weeks when you left, the the difference in mood without you was palpable. And i feel the urge to tell you that my coastal is absolutely thriving, largely in part to the valuable advice you offered me so freely in my nerve-wracking first few days as a snake owner. Countless people can learn from you. And i missed looking at that pretty avatar of yours everydayy!! Good to "see" you buddy.
Im funky not a junkie, but I know where to get it.
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Old 06-21-11, 10:29 AM   #9
Coffee Black
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Re: explanation & apologies

Welcome back, sir. Pics of your morelia and the great atmosphere you and everyone else here create are what urged me to stop lurking and take part again. Glad to have you.
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Old 06-21-11, 10:39 AM   #10
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Re: explanation & apologies

You left?....Lol
Welcome back.
Do not buy from
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Old 06-21-11, 10:53 AM   #11
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Re: explanation & apologies

Welcome back, missed ya!
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Old 06-21-11, 10:59 AM   #12
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Re: put a snake in a bag and bury it in sand

*dances the welcome home awesomeness dance*
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Old 06-21-11, 11:11 AM   #13
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Re: explanation & apologies

Welcome back home Shaun!
Can't begin on how much you were missed, especially every time a new member asked about carpets.
As Wayne said, your back now, and certain others are not, that's all that matters. Back to happy snake family time. lol
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Old 06-21-11, 12:39 PM   #14
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: explanation & apologies

Welcome back!!
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Old 06-21-11, 01:22 PM   #15
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Re: explanation & apologies


I was insanely busy with school the last few months and hadn't been around much until a week or so ago...and I saw and heard a bit and learned you hadn't been on the forum in a while. I'm glad you're back- I missed seeing pics of your awesome diamonds and your ugly mug! :-P

Dr. Viper
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