Originally Posted by Lankyrob
Nature can be that way but we let our daughter start watching the programs at three, only when we are there to explain why the zebra is being eaten by the lion etc. We always relate things back to humanity so the lion eating a zebra compares to humans kiling a cow and eating it for example.
Funniest one was seeing a mating display, including the intercourse, we explained without being graphic or explicit that it is how babies are made and that it is called having sex. Next day at preschool a pregnant lady comes in and daughter went up to her and said "you have a baby in your belly cos you had sex" really really loudly!!!
Oh I will let my son watch ANY competent animal show. But it is the other stuff with the jail shows, shows about drugs, ect. ect. that Nat Geo tends to show sometimes. Just a little bit more than I care for my 6 year old to know right now. He doesn't need to see all the bad things just yet.
He has watched plenty of animals eating animals, babies being born, babies being made, and all the other natural animal behaviors. To me its a part of growing up. Knowing just what animals do.