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Old 03-09-11, 07:30 PM   #1
Hots Down Under
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Venomous - to keep or not to keep

Im just starting this thread to see how many members are interested in keeping venomous species later on. I would love to hear some responses on why you wish to keep them? When if ever you would like to own them? If you agree that keeping them privately is a good thing for the hobby?
Im not looking to start an arguement, but to have a good solid discussion/debate. I know that more often than not this subject seems to get a bit heated but im hoping that this can stay cival.

I will start. I have been keeping venomous species for a long period of time now. I got into venomous species purely because they were the reason i started keeping snakes in the first place. I have always found that the most beautiful animals seem to be the most deadly. There has always been an attraction to the fact that these animals are so deadly, yet only become aggressive if stirred or annoyed.
I think private keeping of these animals needs to be controlled more as there are far too many inexperienced people jumping in over their head with out the proper training or skills. Remember that these animals have and will kill again if not treated with the respect they deserve. In saying that though i have been more concerned with young people purchasing the monster pythons as there is no antivenom for lack of oxygen.

Well thats enough from me for now. I look forward to your responses.

Cheers Aaron
I wish I knew everything when I started out in keeping snakes, like some obviously do.

Last edited by percey39; 03-09-11 at 07:37 PM..
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Old 03-09-11, 07:35 PM   #2
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

Oh it will stay civil.
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of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?"
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Old 03-09-11, 07:39 PM   #3
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

I do hope so Wayne! Im sick of this subject being overtaken by ridiculous accusations and what not. If not feel free to delete this thread when ever you feel the need.
I wish I knew everything when I started out in keeping snakes, like some obviously do.
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Old 03-09-11, 07:41 PM   #4
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

I have no plans on keeping hots but i think it is great for the hobby as long as the keeper is knowledgeable and experienced .
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Old 03-09-11, 07:44 PM   #5
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

I believe that there needs to be manditory training and husbandry courses for people interested in starting out. I understand that at the moment you can just go out and purchase or over your way catch and keep them when ever you want to. To most a mentor is a necessity but how many people follow guide lines.
I wish I knew everything when I started out in keeping snakes, like some obviously do.
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Old 03-09-11, 08:06 PM   #6
red ink
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

Originally Posted by percey39 View Post
I believe that there needs to be manditory training and husbandry courses for people interested in starting out. I understand that at the moment you can just go out and purchase or over your way catch and keep them when ever you want to. To most a mentor is a necessity but how many people follow guide lines.
Same thing our way mate... the difference where we are between being able to keep a bearded dragon and a death adder or a taipan is about $70 to upgrade the license to an advance and nothing more...
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Old 03-09-11, 08:17 PM   #7
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

Originally Posted by red ink View Post
Same thing our way mate... the difference where we are between being able to keep a bearded dragon and a death adder or a taipan is about $70 to upgrade the license to an advance and nothing more...
I know mate, its quite a frustrating licensing system that we have. As it would seem to be a complete waste of time with our licensing in Victoria.
I wish I knew everything when I started out in keeping snakes, like some obviously do.
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Old 03-09-11, 08:39 PM   #8
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

Originally Posted by percey39 View Post
I know mate, its quite a frustrating licensing system that we have. As it would seem to be a complete waste of time with our licensing in Victoria.
Yeah there should be an approved handling course attached to it as a pre-requisite when aquiring elapids. Just goes to show you that the whole licensing system for the welfare of animals can be a joke sometimes.. Though good for some things they just don't have the forethought to fllow it through properly. I for one have no intention of keeping elapids... though not against people keeping them either. What I'm against would be the ease of accessability towards them without a screening process of competance.
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Old 03-09-11, 08:45 PM   #9
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

Originally Posted by red ink View Post
What I'm against would be the ease of accessability towards them without a screening process of competance.
Could not have said it better mate!
I wish I knew everything when I started out in keeping snakes, like some obviously do.
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Old 03-09-11, 09:02 PM   #10
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

Venomous snakes intrigue me but I don't think I'll ever be owning one seeing as how I'll, hopefully, have a husband at some point and maybe a kid or two, and keeping said animals would be a large risk considering I doubt my other would be trained to deal with them and certainly any kids would not be, and lord forbid if they were to escape...

They intrigue me, but besides the above stated, I'm only a beginner snake owner. They intrigue because, like you said, many of them are so very gorgeous. Also, not to sound like an idiot or anything, but there's a certain thrill with keeping such an animal. At the same time, this 'thrill' keeps me weary as well, since, should I ever be bitten, I doubt there are antivenoms readily available in my area or areas I plan on moving to.

They're interesting, but they're not for me.

Water Moccasin

Scaleless Death Adder

'Nother picture of the Scaleless Death Adder

Eyelash Viper

Horned Viper

Neotropical Rattlesnake

Chinese Cobra

Coral Snake

I find all of these beautiful snakes, but they're all venomous </3 (I think) Would be a real delight to own, but I sadly never will.
Xybe - Baby Hypo Brazilian Rainbow Boa(M)
Ouro - Baby Albino Western Hognose (M)
Myra - Baby Jag x Coastal Carpet Python (F)
Ryu - Adult Leopard Gecko(M)
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Old 03-09-11, 09:15 PM   #11
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

Kids are my only fear with keeping them. My ex was never a fan of snakes and never really appreciated having venomous species being kept in our house, but she did learn how to hook and tail them as well as all the first aid needed for a bite. This was all done incase i was to ever be bitten and she had to put the snake back and treat my bite site.
Kids are always too eager to try and open cages, this is why my dedicated room is always locked as well as the cages being locked also to try and avoid any chances.
I wish I knew everything when I started out in keeping snakes, like some obviously do.
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Old 03-09-11, 09:25 PM   #12
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

gorgeous! i definatly agree that alot of the venomuse species are better looking than the nonvenomouse... even the look in thir eyes i find are more intense and "mean" looking. i wish i had the knowledge and training to keep them.. but i dont lol There should deffinatly be more strict conditions with the law on keeping them. Anyway weather they ar deadly or not they are beautiful and on this planet for a reason! its nice to have ppl keep them so that the rest of the world can learn about them and see that they arent all vicious killers like they are sought out to be. BUT it also kinda suck that ppl capture them or buy them and then neglect them because they dont know the proper care! All in all they deserve as much respect as you cat or dog!
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Old 03-09-11, 10:12 PM   #13
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

I am quite interested in owning vine snakes and hognosed if that counts as venomous
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Old 03-09-11, 11:06 PM   #14
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

I would love to own venoms snakes. As already stated they are beautiful and yes I do enjoy the thrill of the dangers they present. I am however torn between my dislike for regulation and my belife that people should have the proper training and education if they are going to undertake the responsibility of keeping them. So I would have to say that within the current system wher ther are risks to the hobby certification of education is in order. Even though truly I belive if some dope wants to get him/herself bit and potentially killed so be it they excepted the risk when they made the decision to keep a venoms animal. Others should not be punished for the mistakes someone else has made.
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Old 03-09-11, 11:42 PM   #15
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Re: Venomous - to keep or not to keep

This topic makes me think of Fatal Attractions and the girl that kept several different snakes, her last and final addition, and the gem of her collection, being a Gaboon. She had poor practices... and when I saw this, I mean the practice she used in cleaning their cages, which ultimately resulted in her death. She'd take the snakes out as she went and let them free roam the house. She had venomous species, maybe non-venomous. Over time she thought she grew immune to venoms, so she thought it was safe to let the Gaboon roam, as well, even if she were bitten. What actually happened though, is she was lucky to be getting dry bites, but she took them as her being immune to the venom, not as dry bites.

So, she was cleaning one day, finished up, and found the Gaboon under a couch or something. Crouched down to the floor and reached under the couch to grab it only to be bitten by it. The venom began working instantly, started bleeding profusely from her nose, vomiting blood, etc.(the venom causes bleeding from any, or most, orifices supposedly). She was found dead in her room holding a note where she'd scribbled a hospital onto it in case someone were to find her in time. The police investigating the scene said it was like someone took a bat to someone and just continuously hit them, blood smeared all over the wall, and it was all over the floor too. She didn't call for anyone in fear that they'd find out about her collection and kill them all.

She was also under the belief that her snakes loved her.

Honestly, Fatal Attractions shouldn't make it seem like this or that or these animals are DANGEROUS and NO ONE should -ever ever ever- own them. Yes, they -are- dangerous, but you can own them and still be relatively safe if you exercise appropriate tactics, care for them properly, and don't do something stupid like what this girl did. Know your facts, don't stray from those -proven- facts. I've heard reptiles lack the part of the brain to recognize a certain person, therefore can't grow attached to a person like a dog or cat would. They can and will still bite if you do the -wrong- thing(they could also just be nippy or defending themselves), no matter what you may think. Also, there's no such thing as immunity to venom. Don't lie to yourself.

The most recent commercial for a new FA showed a women with a Saltwater Croc. The audio had someone saying it's a Saltwater Croc, they have the most powerful body(or jaws, can't remember) than any other on the planet, and that she was going to get herself killed. What I saw, was she wasn't properly handling the(I'd guess) 3 - 5ft.+ long croc, had no form of wrap around the jaws either and it was wriggling wildly in her arms, trying to escape. She was holding it vertically and her arms wrapped around its upper torso, around the area under its arms. Kind of like a hug.

There's a difference between dangerous+never ever owning this animal and dangerous+being ignorant and not giving the proper care or attention to the animal at hand.
Xybe - Baby Hypo Brazilian Rainbow Boa(M)
Ouro - Baby Albino Western Hognose (M)
Myra - Baby Jag x Coastal Carpet Python (F)
Ryu - Adult Leopard Gecko(M)

Last edited by Sapphyr; 03-09-11 at 11:51 PM..
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