ack! corn snake freaking out! D:
D: okay, this is probably another stupid thread by me, but you guys are my go to people. lol.
just looked over and my corn snake is spazzing out. o.o
i decided to put proper substrate in today rather than paper towel, because im satisfied she does not have mites..
anyways, i know corns like to borrow, but i only had enough for about two inches or so along the bottom of the enclosure. she was trying to dig straight down. ! her whole body was flinging up into the air and there was dirt going everywhere. o.o is this normal? clearly i need to get more substrate for her? shes stopped for the moment but should i go and pick her up to stop her if she does it again? this is probably silly but im worried about her smashing her face into the glass bottom, or flinging her body into her hide or waterbowl and hurting herself. o.o why the heck is she being so crazy? lol D: