Originally Posted by marvelfreak
He as beautiful as your female. Love his head pattern. They going make some true gorgeous babies.
i hope so chuck
they are f2 specific line bred in holland by Ron.W for their high yellow and reduced patterns
i hope to produce 2 clutches of f3 even higher yellow and more reduced patterns
i will hold back a pair and line breed f4's for hopefully an even better result
after that she will be crossed with my 75% irian jaguar reduced pattern
this was what i bought her for in the first place
as a last mintue thought i decided it would be wise to grab a male to do a bit of in line breeding
the thing is ive never been keen on irian jaya's until these came along
out of my whole collection now only my diamond looks better imo
im getting into papa new guinea carpets just now
theres an island and half its classed as irian jaya the other half is papa new guinea
png carpets are really clean and bright
its a tad confusng as its all the same piece of land the same island.
so imo all the carpets are the same,irians,png's,poor mans jags,panthers are some of the names these guys go under
im trying to get hold of a papa new guinea jaguar to cross with my black and white diamond jungle
im hopping to produce some black and white diamond jungle jaguars next year...!!
thanks folks for all your kind comments
cheers shaun