How'dy! From the uk!
New to this forum...(o.0 im not a spammer...) New to getting a snake very soon! Im not a noob to it though, have done plenty research, also had to look after a friends snake for 2-3 months (including feeding!)....
Can't wait to get my own snake though, most beautiful, interesting reptile i've seen! o.0 Family and a few friends are like...why dont you just get a hamster or a rabbit... I'm like: 'EEWWWWW no! >.< they're smellly...'
To the point anyway! hoping to look at other snakes, pictures and just really get to know other information about snakes that you generally don't from a breeder (rather then the main caresheet stuff? you know what i mean)
Awsomeness peace-out!
Corni-snake (a.k.a Loui)