Hi all! I am super excited about this forum! I just found you guys while googling some stuff about ball pythons. I am the proud owner of a 6 month old BP that we got three months ago. He was captive bred and super friendly. He just entered his second shed cycle as his skin is now dull again and he again has eye caps. I am hoping for a smoother shed this time. I am trying to keep his tank at a higher humidity. He currently eats every Wed. a weaned rat 30-44 grams. I am excited to expand my knowledge about snakes and possibly get another!
I should also mention that Benny(BP) is our daughters' "pet" she is 3 1/2 and wanted a snake, obviously we know he is
our snake but you know. My daughter's name is June btw, so it is Benny and June
I also have two dogs that rule my life!