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Old 06-09-10, 09:26 AM   #1
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sick anole

Hi, its been awhile since I've logged on, but this forum was a great help to me when I got my BCI so I thought I'd ask ya all for a little help again.

My son is in 4K and they have a lot of pets in his room. The teachers asked if parents could volunteer to watch them for the summer, but no one wanted the 2 green anoles, so I volunteered at the last minute (if I had known more in advance, I would have researched a lot more).

To try to keep a long story short, when I went to pick up the anoles yesterday, the teacher informed me that one was sick and not to feel bad if it doesn't make it. She had tried changing to a different light bulb, but then the one seemed to get sick, so changed back to the regular UVB one on a day/night timer. Of course, I'd rather not have the anole die on me this summer, so I thought I'd ask all of you if you have any big pointers.

The sick Anole has mostly been just lying in the substrate, not climbing much. He looks a little skinny and his skin color is dark. The teacher did not have a thermometer so I bought a thermometer/hygrometer and put it in, but haven't mounted it yet as I'm unsure what level I should be checking. Right now the thermometer is midway up height wise, on the lamp side and it's reading 80 degrees and humidity a little over 80.

From what I've read today, the enclosure is large enough for 2 (around a 10 gallon), has climbing sticks and leaves and a basking rock and seems to hold temp and humidity decently. The light bulb she has me using is not a heat bulb, there is a heating pad under the tank. Should these anoles have a heat lamp, rather than a heating pad? The pad "seems" to be working. There is a basking rock on top of it that feels warm.

Idk, ask me some questions if I forgot things you need to know. I'd like to do my best by these little guys while I have them!
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Old 06-09-10, 09:47 AM   #2
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Re: sick anole

I wish I could help, but the last Anole that behaved like that for me passed away.

The sad thing about Anoles is that almost all Anoles sold in the pet trade are wild caught, and therefore most (not all) are already full of parasites when captured.

The longest I have ever kept one alive is 4 years, and she was a great little Anole. One day she just started laying around doing nothing, in two days she was gone.

Vets don't really do anything with Anoles, hard to justify a $100 vet bill for a $4 pet.

Bad logic, I know, I hate "disposable pets" but that is what most people consider Anoles.
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Old 06-09-10, 11:34 AM   #3
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Re: sick anole

One of my boys use to have 4 of them. Had everything set up perfected none of them made it pass 6 months. Be find one day dead the next. Never could figure out why. Hate to say it but at leased pet stores always have them. In case you have to replace one. Wish i could be more help.
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Old 06-09-10, 12:12 PM   #4
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Re: sick anole

I breed Green Anoles, I have had my group for about 4 years now. They are all in the 7-8 year old range too.

Try getting the sick anole to drink pedialyte. Offer it the stuff every hour for about a day. Then try to get it to eat some bug slurry, often little drops of it on their nose will make them lick it off. If he is too far gone to lick, try getting him to open his mouth and feed it with an eye dropper. Keep giving it pedialyte and slurry till it can eat on its own. This isn't fool proof but it can work. I have had to rehab so many WC lizards and have had good success with this method.

If you want a nice CBB bred one, send me a PM.
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