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Old 09-18-09, 08:33 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep-2009
Location: Richmond Hill, GA
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What's up with my nic?

What is going on with my nic? It looks like he has something caught in its throat, but he can make it go away. Sorry for the bad pic, it was taken with my phone. HELP!!!
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Old 09-20-09, 05:51 PM   #2
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Re: What's up with my nic?

His throat gets puffy and it will go away. Now I'm hearing a clicking sound. Any ideas?
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Old 09-20-09, 06:27 PM   #3
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Re: What's up with my nic?

The clicking sound to me would indicate a respiratory infection- any wheezing or open-mouthed breathing? I'd never heard of a puffing throat other than the colubrids that do it out of defense, but I did find this: Q: are early signs of a serious sickness? - Pet Care Experts Answer! that indicates the puffing might be indicative of the upper respiratory infection (URI). You can try to raise the heat a bit, get it around 92-93 degrees in the basking spot and raise humidity a bit as well, either by misting or a humidifier, and soak the snake in 93-95 degree (fahrenheit) water every night for 10-15 minutes. The soaks at that particular temp were recommended to me by my herp vet when my carpet python had a URI and he recovered in 2 weeks with the soaks, high heat/humidity and amikacin injections. If the clicking does not resolve in, I'd say a week, or if he exhibits any other signs like bubbling from the nostrils, tongue hole, or sides of his mouth, wheezing, sneezing, or breathing with his mouth cracked open, get him to a herp vet quickly. Best of luck!
Dr. Viper
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Old 09-21-09, 05:43 PM   #4
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Re: What's up with my nic?

Thanks for advice, I'll give it a try. Hopefully it's not too bad.
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Old 09-21-09, 11:05 PM   #5
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Re: What's up with my nic?

raising heat and humidity is great to do while waiting for your vet appointment but doing that alone as a solution will not get rid of the RI. your snake need antibiotics. you need to take that snake to the vet asap.
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Old 10-22-09, 05:47 PM   #6
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Re: What's up with my nic?

hey, I just fed my boa today and when I put her back into her cage she also had a puffy throat like something may have been caught in there. I feed her in a separate container with no bedding or anything so I have no clue what this could be. She also was showing other signs of strange behavior but I am most concerned with the throat. I cannot open your attachment and was hoping you might be able to email me with the photo? I'd like to compare your picture with my boa. My email is I would appreciate it so much if you would do that favor for me. Thank you.
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