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Old 07-30-09, 08:48 AM   #1
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BP Enclosures

I'm a little confused and not sure what to get for an enclosure. I've read here that aquariums (especially with screen tops) are not the best way to go due to the difficulty in controlling humidity. So what do you recommend, and can you point me to a place to buy it? I'm most concerned about the locking opening...I want to make sure it's secure without me having to do any modifications on my own...I'm not particularly handy.
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Old 07-31-09, 06:47 AM   #2
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Re: BP Enclosures

I use a Terrarium with the screened lid due to lack of other options at the moment.

However, I use a humidty box in the cage that the snake sits inside most of his time in there. What that is, is a toupoware container big enough for him to get into, with two holes big enough for him to crawl through on the sides, i put a bunch of spongy moss I bought at petco inside and soak it with hot water daily. He seems to prefer sitting in their most of the day.

As for locking the cage, I have screen lid clips that go on the sides to keep the snake from pushing his way out. I have seen him test the top a few times with no success so it works pretty well. You can get them at petco or similar.

Hope some of this helps.

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Old 07-31-09, 09:57 AM   #3
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Re: BP Enclosures

I have an aquarium for my BP. Makes for a better display, but it's a bit more work maintiaining the correct temps and humidity. I don't mind, so I use the tank with the screen lid. You can cover the screen with plexiglass, plastic wrap, or somehting similar to keep in humidity.
One thing that a lot of people use, especially breeders, is tubs. Tupperware, Rubbermaid, and Sterillite (sp?) tubs hold humidity well. I'm not sure on sizes so hopefully someone will pipe up to help you out with that. You can buy these tubs at Walmart and they come in many many different sizes. You can get clear ones so you can still view your snake, or opaque ones so that your snake has maximum privacy. You have to drill or melt a couple holes into the sides for ventilation but you must balance ventialation with humidity retention. Most people use fairly simple setups with tubs; water bowl, a hide or two, and paper towel substrate.
Hope that helps!
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Old 08-01-09, 08:43 AM   #4
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Re: BP Enclosures

I also use a "fish tank." However, it is planted as a naturalistic vivarium, so I don't have any trouble with humidity at all. I don't even have to cover the screen top with plastic--just water the plants, and voila! Humidity! I think I posted pics of my set-up somewhere on here a couple of months ago . . . I'll see if I can find the thread.
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Old 08-01-09, 08:55 AM   #5
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Re: BP Enclosures

Check out the thread "Eating Again: Part 1 of 3" for pics of my enclosure. There are probably more than I know--I just glanced at the first few because I have to get off this darned computer & do some other stuff. If you read the thread, you'll also see comments from the anti-"fish tank" people.

However--I've had this BP in this enclosure for over a year now, and he is doing just fine. He eats well (after the winter hiatus), he's very healthy, and the enclosure is pretty, so I'm quite happy with it.

Good luck!
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Old 08-01-09, 07:23 PM   #6
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Re: BP Enclosures

Originally Posted by mps725 View Post
I use a Terrarium with the screened lid due to lack of other options at the moment.

However, I use a humidty box in the cage that the snake sits inside most of his time in there. What that is, is a toupoware container big enough for him to get into, with two holes big enough for him to crawl through on the sides, i put a bunch of spongy moss I bought at petco inside and soak it with hot water daily. He seems to prefer sitting in their most of the day.

As for locking the cage, I have screen lid clips that go on the sides to keep the snake from pushing his way out. I have seen him test the top a few times with no success so it works pretty well. You can get them at petco or similar.

Hope some of this helps.

Can you please tell me how these clips install. Thanks
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Old 08-02-09, 01:28 PM   #7
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Re: BP Enclosures

Jakes2late, the installation of screen clips depends upon the type of clip. Some are simple wire clips & you hook one end on the screen and press on the clip to hook the other end under the tank frame. These are generally adequate for milk snakes & other small snakes.

For pythons, even BPs, I use a stronger locking clip made by Zilla--one piece clamps onto the screen top permanently, another piece slides up from the bottom onto a racheting device and under the bottom lip of the tank frame, then you insert a pin (or a small padlock, if you wish) to lock the two pieces together. As these are not spring-loaded the way the wire clips are, even a strong python cannot pop them loose. Also, they are difficult for a toddler to operate.

I have eight of them on my 55-gallon tank--I have a bi-fold screen so I can lift the front half for feeding, so each half of the screen has four clips--one at each end of the tank for each half, two on the back, and two on the front. To feed or clean or access the snake, I need only remove four of them. I keep a small basket right next to the cage to put the pins and bottom pieces in so I don't lose them while I have the top open. I've watched my BP test them--the top doesn't even move.

Here's a link to a pic: Zilla | Products » Fresh Air Locking Screen Clips
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Old 08-03-09, 08:16 AM   #8
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Re: BP Enclosures

I use the metal flexible clips, I have 4 of them on each side of the cage.

Seems to hold it down very well though a bigger snake would def. require the pin kind.
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