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Old 07-08-09, 06:58 PM   #1
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Question First shed. What to expect?

Yesterday, when I took my BCI out, I noticed his eyes seemed slightly cloudy. I know this is a sign that he is going to shed soon, but how soon? Once again, from reading other threads and sites, my understanding is it will be about a week till he sheds. Is that correct?

Also, what humidity should I keep his enclosure at during shed? Once again I have done some studying up on it but I'm reading different things on different sites. According to wikipedia, it should be 50% humidity normally and 70% during shed for BCI's, but I've seen threads on this forum discussing close to 100% humidity. What should I be aiming for with a BCI? (Right now I'm keeping it at 70% or slightly higher in reference to what I read on Wiki)

Third, I also am under the understanding that a snake getting ready to shed should be handled less and may not eat. Once again, does that mean I shouldn't handle him at all? Or just less? Or just be aware of his behavior/moods? I'm assuming I should still offer food, just expect that he may not be interested (he did eat last night though).

Thanks in advance for advice. I'm hoping to handle his first shed (since I've had him) as well as possible and I'm slightly confused by the mixed info. Some help clearing this up would be great!

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Old 07-09-09, 09:02 AM   #2
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Re: First shed. What to expect?

I don't handle my snakes at all once they get cloudy. They can't see well and might be snappy because of it. Just leave him alone. Your humidity sounds fine. Remember he can go into his water dish to soak as well. Snakes usually cloud up for a week or so. After that they clear up and will look almost as though they've already shed. A day or two after that, they will actually shed. Some of mine go through the whole process in under a week, others take two weeks or so to shed. Every snake is different I think. It's really interesting to watch though, so enjoy it.
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Old 07-12-09, 01:36 PM   #3
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Re: First shed. What to expect?

Don't forget when the shed is done: Check that the shed came off the end of the tail and both eyes.
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Old 07-14-09, 10:51 PM   #4
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Re: First shed. What to expect?

Shed went well, all one piece. Only a very small spot on the top of his head stayed on, and it came off in a few minutes with a little soaking. He seemed very alert, but mellow afterwards, then happily ate a mouse. Thanks for the help!
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Old 07-15-09, 08:03 AM   #5
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Re: First shed. What to expect?

Cool, glad to hear all went well Sassamagoo. One piece is what you are aiming for, so just keep up what you're doing. Snakes tend to be very hungry after shedding, it expends a lot of energy and they often won't eat during because they can't see and are using all their energy to shed, so it's good you fed him right away.
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Old 07-23-09, 12:51 PM   #6
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Re: First shed. What to expect?

my bp is shedding right now and he wouldnt eat yesturday is that why i heard it take alot of energy but i heard he would eat afterwrds i hope its pretty cool how they shed to but if someone could let me know if that couldve been the reason why he didnt eat and if u think he will eat after let me know thanks
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Old 07-23-09, 12:54 PM   #7
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Re: First shed. What to expect?

Snakes usually will not eat when they are close to shedding; they cannot see properly and they are putting all their energy into the shed and won't want to add digestion to the list. But they are usually pretty hungry once they've shed. I have a dwarf retic who will eat no matter how clouded she is. But most of my others won't
Dr. Viper
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Old 07-23-09, 01:03 PM   #8
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Re: First shed. What to expect?

sassnas said his snake shed all one piece where my snake is shedding the pieces are seperated is that ok or what or does it just matter that all of it comes off i did bathe him a few days in a row before but only for a few minutes each
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Old 07-23-09, 08:39 PM   #9
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Re: First shed. What to expect?

you might need to raise the humidity in your enclosure during shed time, thats the biggest thing for a good one piece shed from what i've been told. But now its after the fact, so yes, you should continue to bathe him, in water that only comes about halfway up his sides, around 80-85 degrees. Gently rub on the areas where the skin is sticking, but don't try to peel it off. i'd aim for 10-15 min soak.

I've also heard of putting a snake with a bad shed in a wet pillowcase for about an hour (put the pillowcase somewhere it won't get stepped on or bumped, but don't leave the pillowcase in the sink or tub if there's any kind of leak in the faucet) then putting it back in its enclosure. Also make sure there are rough surfaces in the snake's enclosure for it to rub up against to get the skin off.

Just a couple of ideas for ya to try.

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