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Old 06-23-08, 10:17 PM   #1
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Columbian Tegu questions

I have recently purchased a black and white columbian Tegu. Im trying to decide on water dishes. I have a water dish that I used to use to keep humidity kinda hi that is plugged into a air pump, and was wondering if the gurgling water would bother the Tegu or if it might enjoy it. It has the added bonush of helping alot with the humidity as mentioned, which here in Tx can be a bother. I was also wondering if my curretn setup for lighting and heating would be ok I have a full length light with 33%UVA 10%UVB bulb in it and a Reptile heating pad under the tank.
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Old 06-24-08, 07:37 AM   #2
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Re: Columbian Tegu questions

One thing I tried the bubble water dish and the Tegu (not sure if its a he or she or how to sex it) seemed to love it got in it for about a hour and would lay there a bit then spin around a bit then just lay there. Wierd but it seemed to have fun.
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Old 06-24-08, 08:00 AM   #3
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Re: Columbian Tegu questions

Well, it doesn't matter which bulb you are using unless the animal can get within a foot of the light source to recieve the benefits of it. Secondly, I do believe most lizards prefer a basking spot over a heatpad.
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Old 06-24-08, 07:33 PM   #4
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Re: Columbian Tegu questions

Well the tank is 11"s tall so he would be within a foot all of the time, I had read that along with dusting his crickets proper light was necessary. So would a heat lamp be a better salution then? Also the repti pad was just for general heat as my house stays at 73 degrees and its tank seems to be a bit cool.
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Old 06-25-08, 01:53 PM   #5
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Re: Columbian Tegu questions

I'm not much of a keeper of larger lizards BUT from my understanding, from what I've read and been told by those who are, basking spots are the way to go. I haven't seen a monitor or tegu set up with a heatpad.
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Old 06-25-08, 08:06 PM   #6
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Re: Columbian Tegu questions

Cool thnx Ive set him up with a basking light and nice open area for it to lay out on and it loves the bubbly water bowl so Im all good
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Old 06-26-08, 12:24 PM   #7
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Re: Columbian Tegu questions

my tegu loves to bask on a rock that absorbs the heat from the basking light, during the times she isn't on it. They do require uva uvb, Muffin gets out regularly to get real sunlight, really loves basking in the sun coming through windows. As far as water bolws, something large and flat bottomed, and heavy, coconut orchid bark and potting soil workds really well for retaining humidity as a substrate. keep a cool side for it as well, and hides on both ends so they can seeek out the temp they need.
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Old 06-26-08, 03:44 PM   #8
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Re: Columbian Tegu questions

Thnx you for the advice. i was thinking of building a larger hide on the basking side of the tank with a large flat rock as a ceiling so he(she) could lay out on it. My Appt is really low on windows I have 2 and he along with my other animals stay in a smallish room with none at all. As he(she) gets bigger. I will move its tank and hopefully be able to take it out to get some real sunlight. And I really need to figure out how to sex it this he(she) thing is getting old
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Old 06-26-08, 04:04 PM   #9
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Re: Columbian Tegu questions

I'm fairly certain it takes someone with vast experience to sex monitors.

Also, where's Mykee... he so needs to step into someone of these "how to house my animal" threads.
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Old 06-26-08, 09:41 PM   #10
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Re: Columbian Tegu questions

Im not so worried about sex Im taking him to the vet who said he can sex them. The housing wouldnt have been a big deal but I read several care sheets that while close still had conflicting ideas about how it should be done. He seems fairly happy he basks in the heat alot but seems to spend a lot of time chilling in his spa other than that he goes hunting crickets or burrows up and sleeps.
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