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Old 01-11-08, 10:02 AM   #1
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St. Jacobs Reptile Expo - 2008 Dates

St. Jacobs Reptile Expo - 2008 Dates

We've finally confirmed the dates for our 2008 St. Jacobs Reptile Expos and wanted to let everyone know when they will be. Our spring expo will be on Sunday, June 1st and our autumn expo will be on Sunday, October 26th.

Unfortunately, we were unable to move to a larger location this year for various reasons, so the expo will still be held at the Woolwich County Community Centre in St. Jacobs and we'll be packing in as many vedors as we can. The display only rule for boas, pythons and tortoises still stands at the moment, but we'll be talking with Animal Control and Town Council again soon to see if we can have it lifted. If anything changes, we'll be sure to keep you updated.

To any potential vendors: Tables tend to book up quickly and space is limited to the amount of tables available in the building, so send along an e-mail to as soon as you've decided if you will be attending.

Thank you for your continued interest and support!

Lisa & Mark
Fore more information - St. Jacobs Reptile Expo
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Old 05-21-08, 06:59 AM   #2
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Re: St. Jacobs Reptile Expo - 2008 Dates

Unfortunately, due to the Woolwich Township Animal Control officer resigning recently, our request to ammend the Exotic Pets by-law has been put on hold until a new officer takes his place and we will not see any changes before the June 1st Expo. As it stands now, boas and pythons under the 6.6 ft adult size may be displayed but not sold at the expo. Tortoises, another prohibited animal, may also be displayed. If you have any questions regarding what may or may not be available feel free to contact us at

Keep your fingers crossed for a permanent by-law change before the October 26th Expo! We will be speaking with town council about this issue well before then.

Here is our vendors list for June 1st so far. More may be added next week so check the website listed in the post above for updates.

Pawley's Reptiles

Woodland Edge Herps

Turtle Haven and Rescue

Between a Rock and a Hot Place

Canadian Feeders

Randall's Reptiles


Next Year Reptiles

Royal City Reptiles

K-W Pet Stop

ICU Lizard

Scary Guys

Dave Kitagawa

Reptiles at Large

Anything Reptile

Cameron's Exotic Reptiles


See you there!
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Old 05-31-08, 03:24 PM   #3
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Re: St. Jacobs Reptile Expo - 2008 Dates

This is the updated vendors list as of Saturday, May 31, 2008. The expo is tomorrow, but it's possible that a few last minute names could be added to the website before then, so keep checking!

Pawley's Reptiles

Global Exotic Pets

Woodland Edge Herps

Scary Guys

Turtle Haven

Next Year Reptiles

Between a Rock and a Hot Place


Dave Kitagawa

Canadian Feeders

Royal City Reptiles

KW Pet Stop

Reptiles at Large

Cameron's Exotic Reptiles


A & A Dragons

Reptile Connection

Gecko Brothel

See you tomorrow!!
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