If it has an RI & is inactive it is TOO COLD! What are the temps of the water & does it have a spot to bask properly out of the water under both heat & UVB bulbs? It needs to be able to get totally out of the water & under the proper lighting. Turtles require the proper lights & temps otherwise will suffer health wise. What foods are being offered to the Box turtles? Do they also have heat & UVB lighting? What are they in for a setup? They require heat/light as well & I would suggest just releasing those near where they were found as they are likely stressed right out. I would google both species & find some decent care sheets for both & if unable to provide what they require find someone who can provide it. Turtles & tortoises require quite a bit more care than most folks realize & aquatic turtles require large tanks of water with large filters & lots of water changes to be properly taken care of. An adult RES should be in at least a 50g tank + with weekly water changes. The proper lighting is a BIGGEE & if it is not provided they will suffer in the long run & be sick, the proper temps are a must too as you already have one sick aquatic turtle that needs warmer temps ASAP, Good Luck Mark
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
All stock parasite free and established on F/T prey. No PMs please email at gonesnakee@shaw.ca