If you breed a het albino or a het pied (recessive genes), to your normal, you will have in your litter normals and normal hets (albino or pied).
Yes & no, what you have said is true, but likely to confuse in this case. They will all appear as normals, but 1/2 of which should carry the albino or pied gene (depending on which snake was used), so one can't tell the Hets from the normals, so they would all be 50% possible hets, until they are either proven to be actual hets or not later in lfe by being bred back to albinos or pieds or snakes that are 100% het for. Even if 100% hets are used it may take a few seasons to prove things either way thus why it is prefered to use a visable morph. When a visable recesssive morph is bred to a normal, you know for sure they are all 100% het & when the visable morph is bred to the 50% pos hets it will be easier to prove or disprove them first time round. Make any sense to you there VooDoo? Remember that as slyO has stated
If you want to hatch some albinos or some pieds, you need (at least) that both parents carry the gene... (hets)
this being the key factor in producing recessives. So in reguarsd to being more successful the best bet is to get a 100% het of either & breed it to a visable morph of the same or at the least breed 100% het to a 100% het. The best odds being to breed an albino to an albino or a pied to a pied as they will all come out as visable morphs then. Mark
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
All stock parasite free and established on F/T prey. No PMs please email at