Both males & females do the get all jerky thing. No reason to raise the cage temp though, normal temps are fine. Best bet is too cool them seperately over the winter & introduce them in the spring once they have begun feeding again. Best bet is to put the male in with the female for a day at a time & then seperate them for a day do so repeatedly over the period of a few weeks in the spring, giving them a few days break after meals. Male may not want to eat once breeding. Don't house them together as the female needs a break & sometimes males won't breed as well if kept with the females too much. Mark
P.S. to ensure its a female have another experineced person probe it to confirm what the first has told you
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
All stock parasite free and established on F/T prey. No PMs please email at