Hello all, I am pleased to annouce that there will be a Herp expo this summer on the weeked of August 26 and 27, 2006. It will be the first such event to happen in Atlantic Canada. The place will be Milbrook community Center In Truro Nova Scotia. Just 45 minutes from halifax and only 30 minutes drive from the Airport. There will guest speakers, educational programs etc. We will be having a cook out for Vendors and guest in the afternoon of the 25th the day before the Expo, this will give an opportunity for all the vendors and breeders and herp fanatics to all get together and share stories or just hang out. It should be a nice shindig. I have already got a few breeders from the States who have commited to come, hopefully more will as well. More information will be provided as time goes on.
all are welcome, if any one is interested in attending as a Vendor please feel free to contact me, Mike at (
sep21@rushcomm.ca ) thanks hope to see everyone there. All herps and inverts are welcome.