Welcome Ashli. I love the way you spell your name btw.
You definately want to get your own snake! But beware, herping is very addictive.
I have been keeping herps since 98-99 and breeing since 2000. Still very new to the herp world but starting out with a couple salamanders about 7 years ago started me on a rollercoaster ride with no end. I no longer have any amphibians but my collection reaches nearly 100 herps. Well, with babies it is over but my permenent collection consists of these guys.
I have just over 20 permanent leos, 8 fat tails, 4 cresteds, 7 beardeds and will be holding back 4 from my next two clutches that are incubating, 3 frilled dragons,7 uros, 9 blue tongue skinks, 4 ocellated skinks, and a schnieder's skink. I also have a pair of kenyon sand boas, a saharan sand boa, a red tail boa, 2.2 normal balls, 1. 4 corns, 1.1 western hognose snakes, and a female tang. honduran milk. Hope I didn't miss anyone. lol.
And I still have a want list if you believe it. lol
My non herp pets inclued cockatiels, rats (not my breeders but a 1.2 group that I house in our living room and get play time), a ferret, and a boxer. Also have a husband and a 10 year old daughter.