They are cute - those eyes and nose do it to me every time
I named all the babies Pingu
If you can get some CB you're off to a good start, though chances are they'll most likely be WC since not many people have them long enough to breed. They come in looking like h3ll, and a lot of them don't make it. If you get them right away, rehydrate them for a few days, then slowly deworm them, they just might make it. The toruble is they are so small like you said, and even Panacur isn't failsafe, so you have to really be careful. If they're too loaded with parasites, they can go into shock from the toxins produced by the dead worms etc, something easier to avoid with bigger geckos.
Maybe I was just lucky, but I only gave them a tiny dose of Panacur and waited about 3 weeks for the next dose. It was repeated for about 5 months, slow way of going about it but it seems to have worked. Once they were 'clean', they fluffed up into big fat sassy geckos (for their size)