I have had a young milksnake develop problems with retained sheds - actually not shedding at all in a cycle and then going on to another shed cycle a month or so later. I had to shed that guy out by hand - actually putting him in a damp container for a day, then using the damp towel to rub his head to see if the shed would start. Several times I took off a completely retained shed under the one he was currently trying to shed. This guy was a chronic problem - even though he fed well, he was persistently dehydrated in appearance and could rarely achieve a good shed. He didn't grow well - may not be the same issue with your guy - hope that she will shed well in a few days or with a bit of physical help from you to get it started (I wouldn't do that until at least 10-14 days after her blue phase - or if you have seen her go through one shed phase without shedding and she is in a second one now). Pays to keep accurate records to help guide you in when to take action,
mary v.
Mary VanderKop