hey thanks for the nice comments
as of now they are being heated with exotera uth's (10x11)
place in the center of each enclosure under the devider
so one heats the two sides i wasnt sure if this would work but it
seem's to work quite well i am able to keep it at the low 90's on the warm side and in the low 80's' ambient for my boas and about the mid 70's hot low 70s cool for my colubrids room temp is about 72 all the heat pads are hooked up to reostats and i keep a close eye on the temps adjusting them when needed. right now i only have one probe in each, on the hot spot but i will be adding a second to each along with thermostats within the next week or so .i check them about a hundred times a day, just to make sure every thing is ok and sofar i havent had any troubles.
i also am planing on replaceing the uth's with 11 inch heat tape
running the full depth of the enclosure(front to back). i am going to be building more in the near future and id be willing to build for other people, if anyone need's somthing made just let me know
take it easy