The odd thing about them is that they are Not, but thier conditions are relatively the same. Uros are from Africa and the middle east and love the desert/sand, they have no use for water dishes (like beardies) and are almost vegetarians (they will eat small cricks and mealworms on a whim). They tame simmilarly well and are mostly non-aggressive (exept males during mating). They love thier basking spots HOT too, so she gets a higher ledge.
Its hilarious to see the male Beardie bob his head away and flare up at the female beardie and then the uros just like "ya your the stud... but now im gonna use you as a step to get to the higher bask spot..."
As for Pathogines.. which i think you are meaning transmittable ilnessess iv read of others who have done this with success, which is where i got the idea. Its an experiment like i mentioned, im prepared to take whatever care will be needed. For now they live happily