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Old 03-01-05, 05:06 PM   #1
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Hello everyone, today while at the local pet store I came across the hamster section, I had not kept hamsters in years though I decided that it would be nice to get back into the hamster hobby. So I purchased a 10g Aquarium (glass), shaved bedding, water bottle, and hamster pellets and seeds, now I moved over to the hamsters for my selection. I saw beautiful hamsters called "Golden Hamsters" I am not sure if this is there real name, if it is not; please verify. The male's upper body is a light brown, followed by a white mid section, and another light brown portion at his lower body, the female is all light brown and larger than the male. I placed them in the tank together with everything set up, the male is already burried in the shavings, and the female is running about and staring out the glass at the cats (the tank is locked and covered). She is also doing quite a bit of digging. I bought them for $7.99 each.

I would like to breed them and keep the majority of the babies. Though I would like to know if my setup is ok. Do you have any tips? I have not kept them for about years now, they are wonderful animals and im glad im back into the hobby. I have many other animals including; reptiles, fish, dogs, cats, and more, and was only missing the rodents
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Old 03-01-05, 05:14 PM   #2
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Hamsters are cute. I love the Siberian Hamsters and had a friend who used to raise them. Just don't ever feed them lots of lettuce or other certain veggies cuz they can get this nasty condition called 'wet tail'.

You have betta's right? I loved your pictures on the other thread. I have a female right now that likes to make her own bubble nest and then blows her own eggs up and guards them. She's so cool.

ANYWAY---good luck with your new fuzzie friends!

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Old 03-01-05, 05:16 PM   #3
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OH christ, lol rikki i had like a ton of hamsters when i was young, teddy bear hamsters, dwarf hamsters, ect..

they are adorable, but something what happened made me never buy a hamster again, i dont want to say i am not sure if people would want to hear it, lol..

anyway, in my opinion hamsters need a cage rather then a tank, what you can do is get one of those cool cages they sell that are plastic, but with alot of ventilation, and they got tunnels and places to climb into, i'm not sure if everyone knows what cages i am talking about, but they are cool..
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Old 03-01-05, 05:16 PM   #4
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You didn't mention anything about their set-up other than it's a glass aquarium and you use shavings. If you tell us about the set-up, maybe we could offer suggestions. Also, the only relation a hamster has to a reptile is as a food source, so might I suggest that this thread be moved to the feeder forum..
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Last edited by mykee; 03-01-05 at 05:18 PM..
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Old 03-01-05, 05:19 PM   #5
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but i dont think he got them for feeders, rather as pets, people talk about all different stuff in general forum..
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Old 03-01-05, 05:33 PM   #6
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I would never feed these to my reptiles, they are pets. The setup is basic, shaved wood bedding, two small boxes (which they are sleeping in), water bottle, food, toilet paper roll, and thats it for now. Is suggestions on how often you should handle them and such?
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Old 03-01-05, 05:52 PM   #7
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My friend keeps rats and mice and I always remember her saying you never use aquriums for rodents as it gets to dusty and can cause respitory stuff, I'd switch to a bigger bar rodent type cage and add in some toys, rodents like birds need alot of stimulation and need ladders to climb, those running/excersie wheels, blocks to chew on, balls string just stuff to keep them entertained. As for holding just pick them up gently and allow them to crawl around freely ( probably keep your door closed incase they bolt). As for breeding I doubt that will be a problem just make sure theier properly sexed as two males will fight and trust me thats not pretty. umm besides that I can't think of much, just I"d like to stress again switch them to a cage as soon as possible.
Best of luck with them
Kayla Young
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Old 03-01-05, 05:56 PM   #8
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Thanks for the advice, I was told tanks work better by a store employee, though im going to research it. As I stated the female is larger than the male, when first in the cage the male went to one spot and dug a "bed" you could say, the female went over and he rolled on his stomach and she bit his foot, hes not bleeding or hurt, this only happened once now they are running about together, I think she was wanting his spot.... Thanks for the current and furture advice!
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Old 03-01-05, 06:18 PM   #9
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Originally posted by Rikki
Thanks for the advice, I was told tanks work better by a store employee,
in my experince they generally have no idea what thier talking about, good though that you'll research it but next time u should probably do a bit more research first you can find most of that info in a basic care book
Best of luck again
Kayla Young
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Old 03-01-05, 06:30 PM   #10
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On a hamster website they say tanks work just as well.
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Old 03-01-05, 06:31 PM   #11
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Has anyone kept males and females together? I have a person telling me they will kill each other because they are not dwarf hamsters....
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Old 03-01-05, 06:56 PM   #12
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Lol they moved it to the feeder section, so next time someone posts they got a new dog there gonna move it to the feeder section too? lol..

anyway, my story about hamsters is at one point i had alot, they kept having babys, so i sold some and gave some away to family, then one morning i woke up and one tore apart the other one, all was left was a little fur and bones..

i was tramatized for life, lol..
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Old 03-01-05, 07:03 PM   #13
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This is still a reptile site, not
I have rats as pets. Food too. I still post in the feeder forum.
Know of anyone who feeds dogs to their snakes? Me neither. Know of anyone who feeds hamsters to their snakes? Me too.
The liberties people take. Give 'em an inch....

Anyways hamsters are great, used to own a few myself. Never would feed them to my snakes though, indigestion...
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Last edited by mykee; 03-01-05 at 07:05 PM..
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Old 03-01-05, 07:13 PM   #14
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lol i was joking around, but like i said before, hamsters aren't bad, but they dont always get along..

but it would be funny to see what hamsters would do in one of those cages i was talking about, running through tunnels and such, lol..

anyway rikki, when they are not eating each other, hamsters are fun pets..

as for set up, here is how my main setup was when i was young(i was about 13)

plain cage, orange bottom white bars, about 2 1/2 feet long, about 14 inches high, and about 18 inches deep(it was big for a hamster cage)

i didnt use a water bottle, because of the sound it makes, and i found that the hamsters struggle some times to get water, so i used those heavy non tip over bowls, i had a cool tree house with 3 levels, and a bridge that lead across the cage to another 3 levels, a heavy food bowl, and about 4 inches of litter..

i had the 2 adults in there, then they had a bunch of babys, ate half of them, the rest grew up and lived in there, they were about a few months old(babys) and every morning i woke up more of them were killed and half eaten, then i woke up and the mother was half eaten, and the father looked like he wanted to eat me O.o

moral of the story, try to get hamsters that promise they wont eat eachother, but there food instead..
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Old 03-01-05, 07:18 PM   #15
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There are pros and cons to having an aquarium vs a wire cage. It's true that in an aquarium they don't get a much ventilation as in a wire cage, but in a wire cage you can't pile the wood chips high enough 'cause they'll push them right out and make a mess ^_^
Those habitrail cages (I'm pretty sure that's what they're called), are pretty fun though, you can buy all kinds of additions and make cool mazes and stuff ^_^ Though I'd think ventilation is also limited in the tubes? Just thinking how there's a 'bedroom' addition and the holes were sooo tiny in the lid that we drilled a couple more. ^_^

Have fun with your new pets, hamsters are super nice, though I prefer mice myself ^_^

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