Is the snake regurging after feedings, or is this happening even know the animal hasn't fed for several weeks? Regurging food can happen if the snake is held too soon after a meal, but this is common knowledge. If this is the case simply stop holding it after it feeds .. Wait a good 3 or 4 days.
Snakes will also spit up water mixed with mucus if they are handled right after they drink.
If it hasn't been eating or drinking but is vomiting,this is quite rare, not normal and would likely indicate a serious internal problem. It could have a bacterial or protozoal infection, or internal growth/tumor/cyst or have an internal impaction from ingesting substrate. It's very rare for sand boas to become impacted but if it has ingested a large piece of Aspen shaving that was stuck on it's food, this could be stuck inside the intestinal tract. Impacted snakes will exhibit non feeding and regurge symptoms. Unfortunately such cases usually prove fatal unless surgery is performed to remove the obstruction.
Mucus in regurge or feces is usually indicative of a serious problem in the gastro-intestinal tract.
Uncle Roy
Herpetology - more than a hobby
It's a Lifestyle
celebrating 26 years of herp breeding