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Old 02-15-05, 08:11 PM   #1
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Bit by Cobra - video

Austin Stevens gets bit by cobra, and then returns to photograph the same snake after returning from the hospital. Crikey!

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Old 02-15-05, 08:31 PM   #2
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Wow thats crazy. Pretty funny how he only waits two hours to go back.
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Old 02-15-05, 08:42 PM   #3
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Wow and I thought Steve Irwin was an idiot!! This guy really takes the cake!!

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Old 02-15-05, 08:46 PM   #4
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That is nutts. I would hesitate to do that with a cornsnake nevermind a kingcobra!! Haha.. jk

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Old 02-15-05, 08:47 PM   #5
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Austin is WAY dumber then Irwin. Austin makes everything sooo dramatic and ive seen him toss a few snakes, fight with a conda when it aint fighting back, all for ratings..he sucks big time.

Crazy vid
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Old 02-15-05, 09:47 PM   #6
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Holy fashizzle

I just starting catching his shows on Animal Planet and was like this guy has to get bit more often than Manitobans by mosquitoes. So where are those vids, ahhhhhhh I see there are some bit videos too

Thanks for sharing.

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Old 02-15-05, 10:07 PM   #7
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AHAHAHAH that is a very interesting video. By the way that is a Naja annulifera, not a king.
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Old 02-15-05, 10:30 PM   #8
Double J
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Perhaps there is some reason why that I am not aware of... but why is it that many members feel the need to dump on guys like Steve Irwin as well as some of the other celebrity herpers? Let's not forget that these guys generally know their stuff rather well regardless of what the producers chose to show on the screen... though every TV herper has their specialty. Years ago.... back in the mid 90's.. Steve Irwin was writing articles on monitor husbandry and breeding for the Vivarium magazine, and taking part in captive breeding and conservation programs. Plus, guys like Steve have made immense contributions to general knowledge of reptiles to the otherwise ignorant public..... and I would bet my hat that guys like Irwin have made an impact with respect to increased awareness of wildlife conservation. Sure... Steve Irwin and some of the other guys over dramatize, and make some bone headed statements, and do a few things we would consider unwise....... but these guys are out there working for ratings. You can't really blame Steve Irwin for that. If his ratings go through the toilet... he loses his show etc etc. I am sure that most 90% of us here would kill to do what he does for a living. It is easy for us to sit back and criticize..... but I think there are far more good things that go on that hit the cutting room floor due to the whims of the *producers.* Steve is not in complete control of what goes on the screen....... and I am sure that he is pushed and pressured by the producers to do things he would not otherwise do. But imagine the pressure of making an internationally syndicated television show. I think Steve Irwin deserves far more respect than what many here give him. I would bet that he is handling things with far more integrity than most of us would in his shoes. Regardless of the things we disapprove of or knitpick about....... we have to remember that Steve Irwin still is still passionate about herpetology and herpetoculture.... and has done far more for the awareness of conservation than many of us could ever hope to accomplish.

Feel free to tear my post apart.. but my opinion will remain the same.
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Old 02-15-05, 10:36 PM   #9
Tim and Julie B
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Well I just typed this on another thread so I might as well copy and paste it here as well:

Snakemaster is very sensationalized. Falling in rivers rappelling down waterfalls etc. But it is a good show. I agree I didn't like the man eating thing being mentioned 10 times in a hour long show either.
It's funny how rep lovers are the most critical about these least we get to see snakes in the wild on TV. I don't think there has been a thread yet with any of those TV herpers that someone hasn't bitched and complained about. I am not an Austin Stevens fan club member. But so far we have bashed Brady Barr, Steve Irwin, Mark Oshea on this site.......why? You think we amateurs would look up to these people who get to do this for a living as well as doing field research. I just find all this odd. TB

Double J: I totally agree.
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Old 02-15-05, 10:37 PM   #10
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Haha respect them or not that's nuts

By the way Double J your quote ever heard those lyrics backwards? Of that exact sentence of the song, true or not it's freaky stuff.
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Old 02-15-05, 10:43 PM   #11
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Personally, great that guys like him are filming wildlife, but why not do it National Geographic style? All non-invasive like? There is absolutely no need to invade the animals home range and then pull it out of its tree, or rock, or den or whatever and then procede to handle, mis-handle taunt and aggrivate the animal causing absolute UNNECESSARY stress. Great footage of these magnificent creatures can be obtained (and I've seen it) without making a jack-*** of yourself and stressing the animal out. I'm sure these fellows know a lot about what they're doing, but just because you can doesn't necessarily mean that you should.

That's the problem I have with what these characters do (great people, great works in zoos and with conservation efforts...but are all the antics really necessary???)
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Old 02-15-05, 10:47 PM   #12
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**** with fire theres a good chance youll get burned..
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Old 02-15-05, 11:00 PM   #13
Double J
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Sneaky boa.... I understand your point.. and I do agree.... but does the ignorant layperson really want to sit through a documentary? No. People these days have rather short attention spans. I certainly prefer a National Geographic style documentary over the TV herper shows.... but that style of documentary does not appeal to all demographics. I think that guys like Irwin have helped to bring herps into the mainstream.... and I think they have helped out the hobby overall. They have brought herps into people homes thorugh their television screens... and helped to de-mystify and de-villainize snakes as a whole. They are not perfect, but the public would be far less exposed to reptiles, and far more afraid as a whole without guys like Irwin.
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Old 02-15-05, 11:20 PM   #14
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LOL Munchy! You remind me of some sorta "new school" prophet or somethin with all your modernized proverbs! I love it!
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Old 02-15-05, 11:21 PM   #15
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thats just how i get down. speakin the truth maaaaan!!!

look at your post count
Boy Wonder
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