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Old 01-08-05, 12:17 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr-2004
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Angry Mite Infested Boa in pet store...

Hey all .... Got a story.... All true..

I was in a pet store in ***********...
its the only one in the mall ............ U figure it out..
Any ways they have what seems to be a large Boa in a 40 Gal aquarium I was in there lookin around.. well I asked the employee if I can have a look at it... he took it out and I saw that the snake was INFESTED with mites.... I told the employee about the problem.. he said he knew.. i asked him if he's goin to do anything about it... i again looked in the tank and the water dish was Empty and I pointed it out ALSO... He made NO attemp to Fill the water dish... But in FACT it was WAY to small for that tank and I pointed that out also.. and again no attemp to put in a larger water dish....and a few other snakes water dishes had NO water in them also I pointed that out also...

and I left the store... thinking WHAT A SH*T hole of a pet store this is.

Well last week i was in the mall and I went to get rat food..(seed mix) and i went to see if there was any improvement on teh snake... NO Friggen way....water dish was empty and the snakes eye were almost sunken in..... right there I pointed it out and i went to look for the store manager they were gone !!! Sh*t I SOO wanted to point out whats going on.. but im sure they could give a care to what they sell...and the employee who only makes $ 7.15 a hr to actually care about the reptiles he " suppost to care for and in fact NOT give a care in the WORLD..

I want ppl to know that this place should be shout down and loose all there reptile and be given a fine...

NOT to mention how there dogs in the back room are kept.. I saw the door open and they are kept in a lil fence on concret floors.. its good to see they give as much care to the dogs as they do to the reptiles also..

-Edited by Heather, no naming names please
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Old 01-08-05, 12:22 PM   #2
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its simple report them to the humane society.
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Old 01-08-05, 04:48 PM   #3
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thats crazy, reptiles at the pet store i work at are always getting taken care of and are attend to everyday i cant believe people actually just dont care, i dont make that good of money but still i make sure we;re selling a NON-sick animal and it has water clean beeding etc
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Old 01-08-05, 05:21 PM   #4
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Jdm I bet some pet store just hire any random kid and stick them into that section of the store. And He/She may have no experiance with snake or other reptiles. I know of a store that sells snakes and other reptiles. And they take good care of the enclouser. I asked the guy working there some questions and didnt know Sh*t about them. I know not all stores are like that but its kind of sad,that it happens.
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Old 01-11-05, 08:39 AM   #5
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There are quite a number of Pet/reptile store where mites are the problem....big turnover of reptiles is one cause ( no time to isolate new arrivals) and pet stores sell the product(reptiles) and that is how they look at them..
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Old 01-15-05, 10:48 PM   #6
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My old roommate saw a BCI at a major chain of petstore that was in similar conditions. He knew a guy who worked there and arranged for him to leave the tank it was kept in unlocked. My roommate rolled right in, grabbed the snake, and walked right out the front door. I don't think it was a morally wrong act.

We also have 2 great exotic pet stores in my area, so go figure. Most big franchises are evil, IMO.
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Old 01-22-05, 07:13 AM   #7
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Take action, and call the proper authority in your area.
Human society, animal control. Even rescue organazations can point you to the right people, or just do it themselves.
I do all the time.
Ive been involved in that sort of thing in El Paso for 8 yrs now. Its a shame how many pet store owner just want to make money, and take no heed to the animals well being.
But I know people and I do something about it, you should too
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Old 01-30-05, 12:48 PM   #8
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You also stated that you went back a second time to buy rat food (seed mix). I would recommend to anyone that you should not purchase ANYTHING (books, feed, supplies, etc), from any pet store that is not properly caring for the animals. We want these stores to learn their lesson or go out of business.
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Old 01-31-05, 10:21 AM   #9
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phone the humane society and tell them otherwise they will keep on doing it. when i worked in a pet store we cared more about the animals than the money-maker but I see so many that just dont care (plus we still brought in good funds with that attitude).
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