Hey people, check this out, a week ago there was 2-3 inches of snow/ice on the ground, and then this past weekend it was in the 70's. I even had a watergun fight...in
January lol. But back to the 70 degree weather...i decided to take a couple of pics...
First up is Slinky, You can see her general color pretty good in the first pic...her closup isnt too shabby, and then i have my foot in the third pic for size reference...she's a bit over two years...on January 21st, ill have had her for exactly 2 years ;D
I usually dont think of snakes as being..."pretty," but she comes pretty close
Now, for Little Dude, i didnt focus on trying to capture a whole lot of his color, cause i did that a couple weeks ago...but you can see it in the tail shot, and then some of his faded medalions.
Here, ill even throw in a whole body shot...
Now enjoy, comment, frown, or whatever; have fun.