i always like to see a lump after feeding. once they grow to a point you can no longer get large enough food for a lumpt, then i like to offer two. you probably will not have the problem with balls and boas. but its hard for me to get a lump in my larger diamondback. they are so think, large enough prey to make a lump are too large to swallow. and with my bigger pythons, it take a goat to see the lump and cheap goats are hard to come by.
www.SCReptiles.com 2.2 Crotalus adamanteus. 2.2 Crotalus h. atricaudatus. 2.2 Crotalus h. horridus. 1.1 Agkistrodon p. piscivorus. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. contortrix. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. mokasen. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. laticinctus. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. pictigaster. Agkistrodon c. phaeogaster. 1.2 Sistrurus miliarius barbouri. 1.1 Micrurus fulvius. 0.0.1 Micrurus fulvius tenere