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Old 12-24-04, 04:40 PM   #1
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young boa having problems

I got my first redtail back in sept. and ive been really having problems with him since, the lady i got him from said he was eating well and was just a little older than 3 months, well turns out i bought a snake that had probably only eatin one meal, after i got him home he would only eat every two weeks, after two months he decided to eat once a week, well its now been three weeks since he ate and seems to be loosing a little weight, also his mouth sits open a little and i though he may have an infection but his tank stays around 90 on the warm side and 80 on the cool, also he is still well "pooping" but the past couple days its been like a bright yellow creamy substance seems different to me what do you all think the problem is here
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Old 12-24-04, 04:44 PM   #2
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i also forgot he has only shed once and he is almost and hes been trying to get that done for the past month couple weeks and ive been basicly helping him out now he only has his head left but still having problems getting it off, may this be a problem with him eating you think?
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Old 12-24-04, 05:16 PM   #3
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The white creamy stuff is snake pee.
If his mouth is open he probably has a respitory infection or a mouth infection.
you should sit and listen and see if you can here some weezing or a gurgle sound.
best bet is to take him to a good repile vet.
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Old 12-24-04, 05:51 PM   #4
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I had the same problem (with the eating part) with this viper boa I just got. They told me he was a good eater, but it's been over a month since he's eaten. I've been reading up about people having to force feed thier snakes. I'm not sure I'm keen on that, but if it comes to it, I might try it. Sounds like you might have to as well.
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Old 12-24-04, 06:35 PM   #5
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open mouth breathing is usally a sign of a respiratory infection. Since you mention a retained shed on the head this to maybe the cause. Sometimes the dried shed can clog the nose. In your case I think I would schedule a vet visit. A vet should be able to assist the boa with the dried shed.
Good luck
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Old 12-24-04, 06:38 PM   #6
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i think i will do that this coming week, all that he has left is his head to shed but its like he wont even bother with it, unlike my burm thats the first thing he gets off is the skin on his head, hopfully a vet will get my problems solved, i dont wanna loose another redtail especially the best looking one ive had
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Old 12-24-04, 06:50 PM   #7
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You might want to place your boa in a pillow case with a wet towel. Make sure the water soaked towel is room temp. You do not want to make it hot or cold. And leave him in it for a hour or two. This might help him with the retained shed.
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Old 12-27-04, 10:08 AM   #8
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sounds like there is more than one problem with your snake. It doesn't eat well, it has trouble with it's shed and might be sick. This would point to a problem in how you are keeping your snake. where are you taking your temps at? they should be taken at floor level on the warm and cool sides. What is the humidity of your cage? if it is to low that would cause trouble with the shed and over all health. All this could be the reason it doesn't eat if the snake is uncomfortable or stressed it wont eat well. you said it was leaving yellow stuff over the last few days? is it peeing every day? how often does it do this? Give us more info on your cage set up and how and what you are trying to feed your boa with more info we could be of more help.
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Old 12-27-04, 02:54 PM   #9
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cage stays around 90 on the warm side and never under 80 on the cool side, humidity is very low yes 30% is what it sits at most the time i can never seem to get it up to par really its a glass cage with a screen top, ive tried putting a larger water bowl in so the light catchs it but really it does nothing being a screen top nothing is there to catch the water vapor till i get a piece of plexi glass to cover some of the top
1.0 blue tongue skink 0.1 bearded dragon 1.1 crested geckos 1.1 dumerils 1.0 BCI 0.1 Jungle Carpet 1.1 Amazon Tree Boas
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Old 12-27-04, 04:44 PM   #10
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for my boas I have a shed box for them. It is a rubbermaid container with alittle water and paper towel that soaks up the water. I put this about half way on the heat pad and it stays warm. they will go in there and get the moisture that they need. I have a good size hole that I cut into the side so that they can get in and out. Works well and I do not have problems with sheds at all.
Northwest Dragon Ranch (403)313-4109 Herps HAve to many to count
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Old 12-27-04, 11:37 PM   #11
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One thing you could do is find something to cover most of the top with till you get your Plexi glass. Books cardboard or whatever just watch your temps when you do they will rise. which end does your boa hang out in the most the warm or cold side ? if it's spends most it's time on the cold side lower your temp some. One thing they do when shedding is they tend to stay on the warmer side and are still most of the time.We know you have a humidity problem but from what else you've said I'd guess you have a heat problem, most snakes will eat when they are a little cool but like us when it's to hot they tend to only eat when they just have to. Check your thermometer with another one to see if they're close in readings. Different snakes just like different people have their own comfort zones .

As an example we have a year old BCI whos cage is kept at around 88 to 92 on the warm side and around 73 on the cool side. I noticed she was pressing her body against the glass on the cool side the other day she spent part of each of the last few days doing this so I checked the thermometer and sure enough it had gone bad and her cage was really around 95 on the warm side and the upper 70 on the cool so I droped the temp in her cage a few degrees to see if that was the problem and sure enough she hasn't been on the glass today and is more active . I have a GRB that loves heat rainbows are known for likeing it cooler then other boas yet this one likes it in the upper 80s most the time Go figure. Different breeds as a whole have certain preferences yet nothing is laid in stone try adjusting your temps and stuff down a little if your boa huddles on the pad then go the other way the key is to make small changes and see what happens. take care,,,Randy
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Old 12-29-04, 02:18 AM   #12
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alright ill try covering the top see if that helps at all.....and really he varys on where he likes to hang out , a lot of times he sits on the warm side and then later in the day hell move to the cool side... just curious what does BCI and a lot of other abbreviations used stand for?
1.0 blue tongue skink 0.1 bearded dragon 1.1 crested geckos 1.1 dumerils 1.0 BCI 0.1 Jungle Carpet 1.1 Amazon Tree Boas
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Old 01-07-05, 04:53 PM   #13
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You should put him in a covered container with a few inches of water the same temp as he is, that skin will be off in half an hour or 1 hour tops. keep getting his head wet and don't try pulling the skin off. Once it's saturated it will come right off itself. Thats one problem you can deal with now, then take him to a vet. Sounds like he's got respriatory trouble - infection....Steve
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