i have a big female bci that does that every now and then. her mouth will just be open a little and be fixed within a day or two. she is very healthy and has gone to see people who KNOW snakes and even vets just for check ups and theres never been any thing wrong with her mouth. i'm not saying your snake doesn't have any thing wrong with it because it could. a vet wouldn't hurt at all.
0.0.1 tentacled snake, 0.1 brazilian rainbow boa, 0.0.1 black blood python, 1.0 jampea reticulated python, 1.1 yellow anacondas, 1.1 emerald tree boas, 3.1 BCIs, 1.1 ball pythons, 1.0 tiger salamander, 1.1 african giant millipedes, 0.0.2 cockatiels, 2.1 ferrets, 3.0 pet rats, some fish and more