Well those screen cages at PetCo will work fine, that is if you have no other free ranged animals that could get through them, I am just using a display cabniet with a glass front right now, works great.
Temperatures varie with species, veileds like a basking spot in the 90's, but other than that they like it around 80-86, but some Jackson's like it to be cool, in the 70's
Humidity - Veileds are from Yemen and Saudi Arabia, so a humidtity of 50-70% is good.
Water - No dishes just spray once a day
minimum, try once in the morning and once in afternoon.
Food- Anything small enough to fit in it's mouth that moves, but veileds will eat veggies and some fruits, babys obviously need smaller food, but avoid feeding them anything but crickets for 3 months, they will probaly reguritate it.
Sexing - You can sex veiled chameleons from birth, males will have a small tarsal spur on there ankle, which females lack.
Hope this Helps
Sorry but this information is mostly on veileds, but thats all I keep!
This guy is perrty knowlegable about panthers